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Y/n woke up sore from her activities with Tom. It was still dark outside as she tried to wake herself up, the thunder boomed and the lightening struck while the rain pattered heavily on the windows. She looked down to find herself embedded in one of Tom's shirts, it being slightly bigger than her, but she loved waking up in his shirts, even of she wouldn't admit it. Her head turned to find Tom snoring softly, his curls a mess on his head, but he was peaceful. Something Y/n longed for. Peace. She saw his clock read that it was only 4 in the morning. She felt herself going into that sleepy haze once again.

What woke her up again was the loud roar of thunder outside. She wasn't afraid of it, it actually soothed her more than anything, but in that moments she didn't want to sleep anymore. She ended up staring at the gray painted walls of Tom's room. It was so elegant and so clean she enjoyed it. It was the actual morning now and it took her mer minutes to figure out Tom wasn't even in the room. She sat up in the bed wrapping herself in his blankets more.  Y/n started to contemplate her choices, the choice of her own happiness being one of them. 

Tom walked into the room with his phone pressed to his ear. "I don't fucking care Haz honestly I don't so just talk to him and if he doesn't comply, you know what to do." His shirt was nonexistent and his sweats hung low on his waist. He licked his lips throwing the phone on the bed. "Good morning princess." He gave a sly smile, "I made breakfast if you want it." He shrugged trying to crack his bones. 

Y/n nodded curling up into a ball, she rested her head on her knees. No tears, but a pained expression filling her features. Tom took notice immediately and walked to her side. He sat down next to her. "Don't start Tom." She mumbled out coldly. 

He shrugged getting up from the bed, but she reached out and grabbed his hand pulling him down. Her eyes apologized for her when he looked in them. "God what you do to me." He whispered as she flipped him over onto his back. She smiled down at him, finally finding some sort of control over her life. 

"If you only knew."

"I see you had fun with him last night." Emilia smirked sipping her tea. She was wearing a short flowery dress for their lunch. Y/n was wearing a plain red jumpsuit, her lips stained red. "I can tell by the hickeys on your neck."

Y/n narrowed her eyes at Emilia, a small smile forming. "You can not, I covered them." She smirked. Emilia shrugged and took another sip. "Emilia are you serious? Can you see them?" 

Emilia bursted in a fit of giggles. She shook her head leaning back in her seat. "You want to know how I know about your night?" Emilia smirked. Y/n narrowed her eyes even more at the girl in front of her. "I know you better than anyone, and if you even have the slightest curl of a smile dancing across your lips, it's because of him."

She frowned letting her fork drop against the plate. "Don't let love get in the way of the business." She chuckled with a shake of her head. "That's what my bastard father told me when he handed this role of mob boss to me." She swallowed thickly. A tear threatened to escape. Y/n was ready to excuse herself before she heard the hard footsteps coming in. 

Travis had snuck his way into her life and now she was struggling to get him out of it. "Afternoon darling." He had his shirt off. No lie it was a nice bod, but she despised him. "Afternoon Emilia." He winked. Emilia scoffed and turned her head away from him. "Tsk so rude, maybe someone should teach you a lesson."

Emilia bit her tongue to hold back what she was going to say, but she said it anyway. "Maybe someone should chop your balls off." She smirked at him.

Y/n chuckled. "That if he even has any." The joke fell from her lips as quickly as he had slapped her. The back of his hand made contact with her cheek. She was so caught off guard she fell from her chair to the floor. Y/n touched her face and reached for her knife hidden in the pocket of her jumpsuit, but he had kicked her down. Through her blurry vision she saw he had a gun to Emilia's head. She coughed turning over on her back only to be kicked once more. This time she gasped as she lost a breath. Her head was pulled up by her hair and her cold eyes was starring daggers into his. 

"I suggest you get cleaned up, we have a dinner to go to." He dropped her head and stood up. Straightening out himself he looked over at Emilia once more, who stood still in shock. "I'll get my time with you, don't worry." He winked at her and tucked his gun back into his back. 

As soon as he left the room Emilia rushed to Y/n's side. "Y/n? Are you okay?" She helped her stand up. "I'll kill him Y/n I don't care."

She winced feeling the pain shoot through her. Her eyes closed and her vision went hazy. "No, I can't give up like this." Y/n sighed getting up from the floor. "I was so caught off guard I... what the hell just happened?" 

Emilia gave her a bottle of water. "Uh he just beat the shit out of you and you let him?" Her eyebrows raised in confusion. "Are you okay?" 

Y/n felt her stomach already knowing where the bruises would form. "I'm gonna kill him." Her eyes met Emilia's. "He's going to die."

"Hmm I see you were busy last night?" Harrison commented as he had walked in with some papers in his hand. Harrison smirked licking his lips. "Looks like she painted a sunset on you mate." He pulled out a cigarette, placing it between his lips before taking the lighter and lighting it. 

Tom rolled his eyes looking up from the papers below him. "You need something mate?" He was frustrated, having to get ready for upcoming deals, and of course dealing with Y/n. He couldn't handle another fight with his best mate, but if he had to, he would. "Because if you don't you're kinda wasting my air." 

Harrison scoffed hiding a slight chuckle. "Ya know ya girl is fuckin' someone else right?" He drags his cig out and blows a big puff of smoke. "Bitch got her legs all spread open."

"Shut the fuck up Haz!" Tom had boomed, he'd gotten out of his chair. His gun was pointed at his best friend, ready to shoot if needed. No one, not even Harrison called his angel a bitch. "Say one more fucking word and I will blow your motherfucking brains out!" 

Harrison just stared at him with his eyebrows raised. "Yeah sure." He held up the papers and placed them on Toms desk. "Don't forget you have a dinner with your parents tonight." He said before walking out the room. 

Tom let out a breath, his hand sliding through his brown locks. The gun was dropped onto his desk. He plopped down in the black leather chair, prompting on whether or not he should call her. His mind was for it, he needed to hear her voice. Harrison would say he was whipped for her, and he would be right. Tom was hopelessly in love with Y/n and he wanted her all the time. He called her, but it went straight to voicemail, it sometimes happened when she was in a meeting, but she would call him back as soon as possible. He left a message for her, he usually didn't, but he knew how upset she had been lately. "Hey, I know it's weird, but I just wanted to hear your voice, call me back angel." He hung up. 

"Hey, I know it's weird, but I just wanted to hear your voice, call me back angel." His voice was soft and sweet like honey. Y/n found herself playing it over and over until Emilia finally asked her to stop. She couldn't stop the smile from forming on her lips. 

Emilia smiled at her best friend. "He's got you whipped." She commented. "Never seen you smile like that at just a voicemail." 

Y/n rolled her eyes playfully, she was lying down with an icepack on her stomach. "I am not whipped." She sighed. "Just extremely attracted." 

"Hmm like there is an actual difference." The sarcasm dripping low from her voice. "But whatever you say." 

Y/n got up, peeling the cold pack off her body. "Whatever."

I Can Only Adore You • Mob!Tom Holland AUWhere stories live. Discover now