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Tom chewed the bit of food from his fork, his eyes wandering over her body. He could tell that she wasn't feeling it today, so he didn't push her. They'd planned this dinner weeks before so he didn't want to call it off, but her mood was so down. She was sitting across from him in the dim lighting. Tom had a cook, cook them her favorite meal. So when she wasn't enjoying it he knew something was wrong. His fork pattered against the plate as he wiped his hands and face before getting up. His feet walked him over to her chair. "What's wrong Y/n, we've been planning this for weeks, I thought you'd be in a good mood." His hands brushed her hair off her neck. He stated to gently massage her, he could feel how tense she was.

Y/n did feel a hint of remorseful, but she couldn't think about dinner. She had too much on her mind, too much to think about, not enough time to mourn her life. Because in her eyes her life was gone, her freedom taken away by a contract, her niece stripped away from her, and now having to pretend that she was okay, but she was far from it. On the other hand, his hands felt good rubbing across her neck, they washed away all the tension she'd built up. "I didn't mean to ruin dinner, I just have a lot on my mind right now." She whispered, not making eye contact with him.

"How bout I run us a bath yeah? We can talk?" He asked her. His eyes asking for permission. He held out his hand for her to take. Y/n finally looked up at him, but slipped her hand in his. Tom lead her to his bedroom, pulling her into the designer bathroom, that was big enough to be a room. "I'll be right back." He placed a soft kiss on her cheek before he jogged to the closet to get a few towels and the good bath stuff. Y/n limited her smile to a small one. She couldn't help but enjoy how good he was to her. Once he came back he was holding soaps and rose petals and shit that a mobster shouldn't have. "Don't worry I bought these for uh- the special occasions we have."

Y/n giggled a little. "So basically you bought them for me?" She smirked a little. "How cute." Her laugh tugged at his heart and it started to beat faster and faster. He never knew just one sound could make him fall apart like this.

Tom smirked back turning the water on before he started chucking things in. The water started pouring into the spa bath, it had jets and could fit way more than two people in. He turned back to her and started to help her out of her tan jumpsuit. "Why do you wear these jumpsuits love, they're annoyingly hard to get out of?" He chuckled. 

"They look powerful, I feel powerful in them." She shrugged stepping out of the jumpsuit. She was going to say something else when she realized that Tom was staring at her. "What?" She asked defensively.

Tom's jaw clenched along with his fist and he had to fight back the urge to kill someone. "He hit you." Tom growled. "You let him hit you?" He softly put his hand on the bruise. It was purple and when he touched it she barely winced.

Y/n rolled her eyes. "I appreciate the concern, but I handled it, besides this is like a week old." She tied her hair up, not wanting it to get wet. "Seriously it's not that big of a deal Tom.

Tom sighed. "I should put a bullet through his skull for even thinking of putting his hands on you. Little fucker wouldn't even see it coming." He muttered under his breath starting to take off his clothes as well. "You should have told me." Tom turned off the water. The water so hot the steam was fogging up the mirrors already.

"I said I handled it!" A frustrated groan left her lips. "And when I say I handled it, I mean it." She growled. "I'm not arguing with you about this!" She reached down to get her clothes from the floor. 

Tom rolled his eyes. "Will you stop for one fucking second!" He grabbed her wrist and pulled her to him. "Look at us darling, we're fighting like we don't know and understand each other." His nose bumped against hers as he pulled her closer. His arms wrapped around her to keep her in his arms, because he knew how much she loved to pull away when feelings came into the mix. "I want to get in the bath with you and talk, can we do that?"

Y/n let out a breath, dropping her clothes she turned away from him to look at the bath. "Fine." She waited for him to step in first and then with his help to stepped in after. Tom had leaned back in the hot tub like bathtub. Y/n sat on the other side, playing with the red rose petals and foam floating in the water. "You said you wanted to talk, so are we gonna talk?" She asked, her Y/e/c eyes wide open staring at him. 

Tom reached over to a cup holder and brought out a cigarette. He placed it in his his mouth, much to her dismay. She hated smoking and she hated when he smoked, it was attractive in ways, but the health concern was alarming. He dragged it from his lips and blew some smoke. "I don't know, you seemed pretty reluctant before." He smirked.

Her slight chuckle of annoyance was all that could be heard besides the sloshing of the water. "Has anyone ever told you, you are a complete asshole." She shook her head, moving so that she straddled him in the water. "Everyone darling." He grinned placing his free hand on her waist, the other one putting out his cigarette. "Have they ever told you how fucking annoying you are?" Her lips whispered by his ear. "All the time." He bit his lip watching her hands run down his bare wet torso. "Hmm, so you know that you are an annoying asshole." Y/n bit her lip, looking down at him with her innocent eyes. 

Toms hands ran up her smooth body slightly grazing her right breast. "Oh, but you love that I'm an annoying asshole, don't you princess? You love what I do to you, no other man could make you feel what you feel with me. You're my girl love, mine, and I don't give a fuck if he disagrees." Tom growled attacking her lips with his. 

She pulled away to let him gain access to her neck. Her hands pulled him away from her neck to make him look her in the eyes. "Tom..." She breathed. His brown orbs were staring into her own shinning eyes. "I adore you." The words spilled out in a soft whisper. It was the first time she had admitted to him that she was deeply and utterly in love with him. She wouldn't use the word love, not yet at least. 

Tom's jaw dropped a little, for she had just admitted her feelings out loud to him. He knew she felt some way about him. His hand came up to caress her face. "Fuck angel, you caught me off guard." He chuckled. "I more than adore you Y/n, but I know you don't like the word I'd like to use." A smirk formed on her lips. "Also I think we might turn into prunes if we stay in here to long, don't ya think?" 

"You're such a fucking weirdo." She laughed grabbing the soap. Tom grinned biting his bottom lip when she started to wash him. He was so in love with her and she didn't even understand how much. 

I Can Only Adore You • Mob!Tom Holland AUWhere stories live. Discover now