Chapter 3

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Next day
Lo: get up bro, school starts in 30 minutes
Ja: ok bro
Lo: how are things with you and Alissa
Ja: Good I think
Lo: you think
Ja: well we're not on good terms right now
Lo: bro I told you she's not right for you, I don't like the way she treats you.
Ja: your right but I hate breaking up with people
Lo: man up and do it bro

Meanwhile at Erikas house
Erika gets ready in this

She goes to school and sees Jake and Logan against the lockers

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She goes to school and sees Jake and Logan against the lockers. As she walks by, Jake looks at her and she notices but she walks away.
Lo: bro you like the new girl
Ja: she's different from any girl I've dated
Lo: here comes Alissa, break up with her now. I'll meet you in the cafeteria after you've done it
Logan walks away and Chloe runs up to him
Al: hey babe
Ja: don't call me babe. I'm sick of the way you treat me, like yesterday in class, you depended on me to get you out of detention, I can't do that, you are literally the most controlling girl I've dated, I'm done with our relationship, I'm breaking up with you
Jake walks away and Alissa tries to grab him but Jake pushes her away. He goes to the cafeteria to find Logan
Lo: did you do it
Ja: yes
Alissa bursts in and tries to kiss Jake
Ja: Alissa I said I'm done
Al: Jake why
Lo: come on Alissa leave my brother alone
Logan picks up Alissa and carries her out of the cafeteria
Lo: you stay away from my family and brother
Alissa turns away with tears in her eyes and walks away to her cheerleading friends

Lo: if you like Erika bro, just go for it
Ja: I should
Lo: totally
Jake goes to find Erika. He sees her talking to Tessa near the lockers.
Ja: hey Tessa hey Erika
Te: hey Jake
Jake pulls out his phone and gives it to Erika for her to put her number in
Er: why did you give me your phone
Ja: I think you're beautiful and I want to get to know you better. I gave you my phone for you to enter your number
Er: you're with Alissa tho
Ja: not anymore I'm not
Tessa pulls Erika to one side
Te: play hard to get Erika, if he truly likes you he won't give up
Er: I will
She goes back to Jake and puts her number in his phone
Ja: when can we meet
Er: how about never
Ja: is someone playing hard to get. I think it's cute when girls do that
Er: I'll do it more often then
Ja: wanna accompany me to class
Er: all the time
Jake and Erika link arms and walk past Alissa. Alissa glares at them as they walk past.
Ja: got a problem Alissa
Al: yes
Er: Jake we are gonna be late for class
Jake and Erika enter the classroom and sit next to each other on the same table

After class, Logan pulls Jake aside
Lo: did you ask for her number Jake
Ja: yes
Lo: Good I can see you both like each other
Jake goes back to Erika
Ja: do you wanna meet up tomorrow after school
Er: Jake tomorrow is the weekend
Ja: silly me, wanna meet tomorrow then at 2pm
Er: yeah but I'll decide what we do
Ja: let's meet at the shopping mall and you can go anywhere you want to, I'll just be tagging along
Er: ok see you tomorrow
Jake kisses her cheek and they part ways

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