Chapter 24

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Erika wakes up in the hospital and feels pain shooting through her stomach. She turns to where Jake is sleeping and gently shakes him
Er: Jake wake up I need a nurse now
Jake gets up and fetches Erika a nurse
Nur: what's the problem Erika
Er: I've got pain shooting through my lower stomach.
Nur: ok you'll need a X-ray to see what the problem is
Savannah wakes up and cries. Jake goes and picks her up and takes her a walk along the corridor to calm her down. Erika is taken for a X-ray. When Jake comes back. Erika is gone. He sits there on his bed cuddling savannah waiting for Erika to come back. The door opens and it's the nurse
Nur: Erika is fine. We've given her some tablets to help with the pain.
Ja: can I see her, her baby is hungry
Nur:  the doctor will be in to check she can go home then she needs a bath but your wife is still in a bit of pain so I'll make her a bottle and you can feed her
The nurse leaves and comes back with a bottle
Nur: I'll be back to give her a bath and then she needs injections and the doctor to check her over
The nurse leaves again
Ja: here baby girl, oh you love that don't you
10 mins later.
The nurse returns and Jake puts her in her hospital cot and follows the nurse to give her a bath
Nu: right miss time for your injections.
She hands her to Jake who carries her to get injections
Ja: before I take her to get injections, I want to take her to her mommy
Nur: ok I'll be here waiting for you
Jake takes savannah to Erika
Er: hey baby girl
Ja: she's already been fed, the nurse made me a bottle for her. How's your pain
Er: ok now I'm on medication to help with it
Ja: I'm just gonna take her for injections then the doctor will come to check if you both can go home.
The doctor comes in
Doc: Erika I'm here to check you over to see if you can go home. Oh your baby is here too, great I can do you both now
He examines Erika first then the baby.
Doc: you are both fit to go home
Ja: does she still need injections
Doc: unfortunately yes. Pass her to me and I'll take her to get them. You can take your wife to your car in this wheelchair  and come back here and pack your stuff up and I'll be waiting here with the baby
Jake takes Erika to the car and grabs the car seat for the baby and brings it inside and grabs the hospital bags and puts the baby in the car seat and goes to the car and puts the baby in the car and goes to Logan's to collect Kian. Logan is waiting at the window with Kian and they see Jake pull up and Logan goes out to meet him with Kian and Jake takes Kian and puts him in his car seat and they go home.
Ja: this present is for you Kian from your sister
Ki: wow a toy car
Er: wanna hold her again
Ki: yes
Ja: do you know her name is savannah rose
Ki: no her name is sister
Jake and Erika both laugh

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