Chapter 7

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Lo: before Jake wakes up I want to tell you both that he has a new girlfriend
Pa: what happened to Alissa
Lo: she turned mean and he broke up with her
Gr: this new girlfriend what's she like
Lo: ask Jake about that
Jake wakes up and goes downstairs for breakfast
Pa: good morning Jake
Ja: morning
Pa: according to logan you have a new girlfriend. I would like to have her over tonight for dinner
Ja: ok I'll bring her round tonight
Lo: ok bro we'd better be going to school
Ja: bye mom bye dad
Pa: bye have a good day at school.
Gr: and Jake good luck in your match this weekend

Logan and Jake leave the house and Logan drives to school. They arrive and see Erika with the girl squad. Jake approaches them and sneaks up on Erika. Courtney sees him and doesn't say anything to Erika
Jake wraps his arms around Erika
Ja: Good morning head cheerleader
Erika turns around
Er: Good morning quarterback, Alissa is mad at me bc I took head cheerleader from her
Ja: don't worry about that, you will be a better head cheerleader than her anyway
Er: you excited for your match this weekend
Ja: Yep. The Michigan lions( made up name) are going down. Btw my parents want to meet you tonight
Er: mine also wanna meet you. I know you've met my mum but you haven't met my dad
Ja: So I'll go to yours first and you go to mine after.

Time skip 4 hours
Jake goes to Erikas house and rings the doorbell. Angel answers
An: Erika hi, Jake how nice to see you again
Ja: hi Mrs Costell
An: please call me angel. Come in both of you
Erika and Jake walk in and Erikas little sister Dani runs up to Erika
Dani: Erika I missed you. Who's he
Er: I missed you too, this is my boyfriend Jake
Dan overhears Erika say boyfriend and walks in
Da: So you must be Jake
Ja: I am sir
Jake puts out his hand for dan to shake.
Da: you look like a nice boy. You have my approval to date my daughter
Ja: thank you sir. Did Erika tell you she made it on to the cheerleading team as head cheerleader
An: no she didn't, Erika congratulations. I'm glad you've settled into this school
Ja: ok we better be going now, I'm taking Erika to meet my parents
Jake and Erika leave and arrive at Jakes house
Ja: are you nervous
Er: a little
Ja: don't be. Just be yourself
Jake knocks on the door then walks in
Pa: you must be Erika
Er: yes I am
Pa: we've got Mac and cheese on for dinner tonight if you want to eat with us
Er: I'd love that

Dinner is ready and they all sit at the table
Gr: So tell me more about yourself Erika
Er: I'm 17. I was born in Ohio but moved to Tennessee when I was two, then we moved back to Ohio 4 weeks ago
Gr: interesting

They finish eating and Jake drives Erika back to her house. Then they both fall asleep

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