Chapter 18

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Logan and Chloe comes to Jake and Erikas hotel then they head to the beach before they go back to Ohio
Lo: I've seen two nice houses in Calabasas. One for me and Chloe and our baby girl and one for you Jake and you Erika and your son and new baby.
Ja: show us then bro
Logan shows them both the houses
Er: oooh I like that one
Ja: Same
Ch: can we reserve the houses till we can go and see them
Lo: done
Jake checks the time on his phone.
Ja: oh shoot we need to go in now. Our plane leaves in 3 hours.
Logan and Chloe rush to their hotel and collect their suitcases and Jerika does the same. They meet up at the airfield where they board the private jet.
Ja: did you enjoy our honeymoon my little goat
Er: I did my big Dino
Lo: your pet names for each other are so cute
Ch: I agree
Anthony calls Jake
An: hey bro I've got someone here who wants to speak to you and Erika
Ja: ok put him on. Your on loudspeaker
Ki: hey mommy and daddy
Er: hey little man
Ja: are you having a good time with uncle Tony and aunt Rocky
Ki: yes
Er: we'll be home soon
Ki: ok mama bye bye
Jerika: bye bye kian love you
Pilot: ok we are about to land. Everyone to your seats and prepare for landing.
They've landed and get off the plane and see Pam Greg Angel and Dan holding a big sign saying WELCOME HOME CHLOGAN AND JERIKA.
As Chloe is going down the steps, she feels a sharp pain in her side and back and feels water trickling down her leg
Ch: LOGAN I think it's time
Logan rushes to her and helps her to the car
Lo: call Chloe's parents, tell them to meet us at the hospital.
Jerika and chlogan and Pam and Greg rush to the hospital
Ch: Logan it hurts
Lo: ik baby Ik we'll be there soon
They arrive at the hospital and Jake runs in to get a nurse to bring out a wheelchair for Chloe
Chloe sits in the wheelchair and Logan follows her into the room
Jerika and Pam and Greg sit in the waiting room when Chloe's parents burst in
Chloe's mom: where's my daughter
Ja: in there
They go into the room and see Chloe holding Logan's hand
Midwife: ok Chloe I'm just going to see how far along you are
She checks
Midw: ok your 8 centimetres dilated. Your baby will be here in the next hour and half. I'll come back in 30 minutes to check you again. If you want you can bring in the people outside for a while
Logan tells everyone to come in
Lo: Jake can you go and get the pink car seat and Chloe's and the baby's hospital bag from my house. Here's the keys
Jake leaves and puts the car seat in the car properly and brings in both the hospital bags
The midwife comes back and checks Chloe again
Midw: your 10 centimetres dilated. I'm gonna take you down to the birthing ward now ok
Lo: this is it babe. Time to meet our little girl
Chloe is wheeled down to the delivery room. Logan carries the hospital bags down and when they get there he picks out a outfit for her to wear when she is born
Lo: how about this one

 Logan carries the hospital bags down and when they get there he picks out a outfit for her to wear when she is bornLo: how about this one

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Ch: that's nice.
Midw: time to start pushing Chloe
Logan rushes to her side and holds her hand
Lo: come on baby push I wanna meet my daughter and Ik you do too
Midw: the baby is crowning. Two more pushes and she'll be here
Lo: your doing really well babe
Midw: ok when you feel the next contraction Chloe I want you to stop pushing and start panting.
Chloe pants and she hears a cry. The midwife holds up the baby to show chlogan
Lo: Chloe I'm so proud of you she's beautiful
Midw: dad wanna cut the cord
Logan cuts the cord
Midw: So who's going to hold her first
Ch: Logan can
The midwife hands her to Logan and goes to record her birth on the computer.
Lo: take her babe. I'll get my parents and your parents and my brother and his wife from outside
Logan walks outside and all the heads turn toward him
Lo: I'm a dad
Everyone cheers and congratulates him
Lo: can I have my parents and Jerika to come and meet her first please
He goes back into the room followed by jerika and his parents and Chloe's parents. Logan hands the baby to his mom who hands her to his dad who hands her to Chloe's dad who hands her to Chloe's mom who hands her to  Jake who hands her to Erika
Ja: she is beautiful logan
Er: have you decided on a name yet
Ch: actually we have. Tell them logan
Lo: everyone I'd like to introduce to you Miss Isla Grace Paul-Bennet

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