Chapter 15

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Er: we've got some more wedding planning to do babe like discuss where the wedding will be held
Ja: that's easy Vegas
Er: why Vegas
Ja: who wouldn't want to get married in Vegas
Ch: I like the idea
Lo: me too
Jake books the wedding for tomorrow
Ki: mommy I'm hungry
Er: ok lets go and see what we have in the cupboards ok
Ja: We must leave in a couple of hours for Vegas
Chlogan and Jerika and everyone else go to pack
Er: you excited Kian for mummy and daddy's wedding and uncle Logan's and auntie Chloe
Ki: Yeah
Ja: are you excited for your first plane ride
Ki: Yeah
All the other people have landed in Vegas and Jerika and chlogan are on the plane
Ch: our little girl is kicking me logan
Logan puts his hand on her stomach and feels a big kick
Ja: how much longer do you have to go before you can meet her
Ch: 4 weeks
They land in Vegas and get off the plane
Ja: we're in Vegas
Lo: all the boys come with me and Jake. The girls go with Erika and Chloe
Jake takes kian off Erika and let's her kiss him bye
They part ways and as Jake is walking away Kian rests his head on his shoulder
Ja: it's ok buddy you'll see mommy tomorrow
Erika and the girls arrive at their hotel and the boys go to theirs. They all fall asleep

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