Chapter 27

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Ja: Erika you ready for England
Er: Jerika takes England
Ja: I'll dress the kids while you pack for them
Er: I'm thinking this trip away should be just us two. I mean when do we get time to ourselves anymore.
Ja: but babe I want the kids to experience England which is a bit of my ancestry. I am 1/4 English. I'd like them to come with us but if you don't want to then we won't.
Er: ok we'll bring them
Jake dresses Kian and savannah in this

 Er: ok we'll bring them Jake dresses Kian and savannah in this

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They board the private jet bc they knew the other people on the flight won't appreciate crying children when they're trying to sleep

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They board the private jet bc they knew the other people on the flight won't appreciate crying children when they're trying to sleep.
Ja: I was thinking of starting this group called team ten where they all make videos and support each other. I'd have me you Anthony Chance Kade Justin Sunny Logan Tessa Chloe Courtney can be your assistant and I'll hire one for myself
Er: yeah good idea but also involve Mckenzie and rocky and Sara and Tristan( Tessas boyfriend)
Sav: mommy my ear owie
Er: awww baby come here and cuddle mommy
Savannah lays on Erikas lap and Erika grabs a blanket and covers her up
Ja: I'll put up a ad for a assistant now
They land in England and grab the kids. Jake holding Kian and Erika holding savannah. They get into a cab and go to their hotel
Ki: daddy where are we
Ja: we're in Blackpool England where daddy's great great great grandparents grew up. We can go on the Blackpool tower, go to the zoo or aquarium. Go to the fair or beach or water park. Go to Madame Tussaud's. Daddy used to come here with uncle Logan, grandma and grandad Paul every year
Er: we can do all of them things but not today as mommy isn't feeling too good
Ja: let's get some brochures about things to do in Blackpool and we can plan what we are doing and when.
They head to their room and put savannah in her cot to sleep and Kian goes on his bed.
Next morning Erika wakes up and feels sick and rushes to the toilet. Jake sees her rush into the bathroom and holds her hair back
Ja: Babe you ok
Er: yeah probably a stomach bug or something nothing to worry about
Ja: you could be pregnant, I mean isn't that what happened at the start of your previous pregnancies
Er: yeah. I'll go to the doctors office, see if they can get me in today. I'll have a ultrasound bc I'm too scared to do a test
She starts looking up doctors in Blackpool
Jake and Erika drop the kids off at kids club in the hotel and go to the appointment. The doctor comes in and scans Erika
Doc: well good news you are pregnant but....................

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