Chapter 8

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Erika's POV
today is the weekend and I'm meeting Jake later for lunch then we are going to the fair with Anthony Chance Logan Kade Chad Courtney rocky Shannon Sara sunny Mckenzie. Tomorrow is my 18th birthday so Jake my family and my friends are going to Hawaii for a week. We are on half term for two weeks

Jake arrives at Erikas house to pick her up. He goes to her door and knocks on it. Dani answers
Dani: hey Jake
Ja: hey is Erika in
Dani: Erika Jakes here
Erika comes downstairs in this

Ja: wow you look beautiful baby Er: thanks, you ready Jake and Erika leave in Jakes Tesla Ja: I actually lied to you, we're not going for lunch

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Ja: wow you look beautiful baby
Er: thanks, you ready
Jake and Erika leave in Jakes Tesla
Ja: I actually lied to you, we're not going for lunch. Since we're leaving for Hawaii tomorrow. I'm giving you your gift now. Put this blindfold on
Erika puts it on and they arrive at the ________ place. Jake gets Erika out and walks her to where this woman is waiting with a set of keys. Jake follows the woman taking Erika with him. Jake removes the blindfold off Erika and she sees this

 Jake removes the blindfold off Erika and she sees this

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Er: omg Jake I love them
Ja: that's good bc their yours. I bought them for you. Your dad is building a pen for them as we speak
Jake takes one and Erika takes the other and walks away with them holding hands
Ja: What are you gonna call them
Er: the black one is called domino, the white one is called gingerbread
Ja: Nice names. I'll put them in my Tesla and drop them off at yours.
Jake picks up the goats and puts them in his Tesla. Then they arrive at Erikas house and they take them to the garden and put them in their pen.
Ja: are you ready for the fair now
Er: yes
They get in their car
Ja: bc your turning 18 tomorrow. How would you feel if we buy a house together. Just a studio apartment
Er: you want to do that
Ja: I do see a future with us as a couple. Getting married having kids. Am I moving too fast with you
Er: no not at all. I want to do it as well
Ja: oh there's our squad
They get out and meet everyone
An: hey Jerika
Ja: What
Er: what
Ro: it's your ship name
Lo: mine and Chloe's is chlogan, Anthony and Rockys is rockthony, kade and Mckenzie is Mckade, chad and Sara is Chara
Court: I came up with all of them
Er: who wants to go on the love ride
Ja: I'll go
Chlogan, rockthony, Chara, Mckade: meeeee
They all go on the ride and come out the other side
Court: shall we go on one rides girls and the boys can go on a wild ride
Boys&girls: ok
The boys and girls part ways. The boys go on a really high drop ride. The girls go on a medium sized rollercoaster.
They then rejoin and go to the stalls. Erika sees a goat stuffed toy.
Er: jakey can I have that stuffed goat
Ja: haven't I got you enough goats today
Erika gives him the pouty face
Ja: alright I'll try and win it for you but you must kiss me first
Erika pecks him on the lips
Jake throws a ball and knocks down all the cans. The man hands him the goat and Jake gives it straight to Erika.
An: who wants to go on the gun range
Er: I'll have a go at that
Ja: really baby
Er: Yep
They shoot guns and after that they all go home
Er: wanna stay at mine tonight so it'll be easier for tomorrow since my dad won't have to stop at your house to collect you and waste time
Ja: good idea. Where will I sleep tho.
Er: with me in my bed
Ja: ok but first I need to get my suitcase from my house
They go to Jakes house and collect his suitcase and go to Erikas house and fall asleep

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