Chapter 17

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Next morning and Erika wakes up and runs to the bathroom
Erika's POV
I think I'm pregnant. Does Jake even want another child. I'll call Chloe to come over
Chloe comes over and brings a pregnancy test.
Er: thx
She goes into the bathroom and Jake wakes up and goes to the bathroom to see Chloe waiting outside.
Ja: oh hey sister in law, what brings you here
Ch: Erika called me to come over. I think she wanted to feel my baby and ask me questions about her. She walks into the living room and sits down.
Ja: do you want anything to eat or drink
Ch: just some cereal plz brother in law
Erika comes out of the bathroom and sees Jake making Chloe's cereal
Er: hey husband, I think we're almost out of bread and juice. Can you go to the shop and get them for me
Ja: ok wifey. He pecks her on the lips then gives Chloe her cereal then leaves
She tells Chloe the results of the pregnancy test
Er: I'm pregnant. It's positive
Ch: yeyyy a second Jerika baby. Tell Jake when he comes back
Er: I will. I just don't know if he wants another child.
Ch: he has no choice now does he
Er: I guess so
Ch: I'll go so you can tell Jake on your own
Chloe leaves and Jake comes back
Er: hey babe. Can you sit down here for a minute
Ja: sure, are you alright Erika. Oh god are you having second thoughts about marrying me.
Er: jakey you know I would never regret marrying the person that I love.
Ja: So what is it then
Er: I'm pregnant
Ja: seriously
Er: Yep
Ja: I'm so glad that Kian has a little brother or sister
Er: So your not mad
Ja: why would I be mad, I've told you thousands of times that I want at least 4 children

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