Chapter 19

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Logan's POV
The love of my life just gave birth to my beautiful baby girl. I couldn't be happier. I love her so much
Ja: I wanna bring my son to meet his cousin
Lo: yeah ok bro
Jake calls Anthony and tells him to bring Kian to the hospital.
Ja: also bro can you bring the gifts that are on the side in the hallway for Isla
An: ok sure bro be there in 10
Ja: So Logan hows being a dad feel
Lo: the best feeling in the world. He goes to where Isla is laying and picks her up
Lo: hello my beautiful baby girl.
Isla lets out a little smile
Lo: awwwww chloe she just smiled at me
Ch: I have a feeling she's gonna be a daddy's girl 100%
Isla cries and Logan tries to get her to stop but he doesn't succeed
Ch: check her nappy
Lo: Nope all clean.
He hands her to Chloe for a feed
Jake sees Anthony outside with Kian and goes out to get him
Ki: daddy
Kian reaches for Jake
Ja: are you ready to meet your little baby cousin Kian
Ki: yes
He takes Kian into the room
Ki: uncle wogan
Lo: hey buddy
Jake hands Kian to Logan
Ja: I'll let you introduce him to your daughter
Lo: kian meet Isla your cousin. Wanna hold her
Kian gets on the chair and is handed Isla, Logan takes a photo of them together.
Jake gets the presents he and Erika bought for the baby and hands one to Logan and one to Chloe to open
Ch: awwwww Nike shoes thx jerika
Lo: awwwwww a babygrow thx Jerika
Jerika: your welcome
This is what they bought them

 Jake gets the presents he and Erika bought for the baby and hands one to Logan and one to Chloe to open Ch: awwwww Nike shoes thx jerika Lo: awwwwww a babygrow thx Jerika Jerika: your welcome This is what they bought them

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The nurse comes in Nu: daddy do you wanna take your daughter for her first bath Logan puts Isla in her hospital cot and wheels her to get her first bath The nurse wipes her face with a wet wipe and then puts her in the bath and tips water all over...

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The nurse comes in
Nu: daddy do you wanna take your daughter for her first bath
Logan puts Isla in her hospital cot and wheels her to get her first bath
The nurse wipes her face with a wet wipe and then puts her in the bath and tips water all over her body. She looks at Logan and smiles
Lo: is someone a water baby
He puts his finger in Isla's palm and her hand closes around his finger.
Lo: you are literally the best thing that could ever have happened to me
The nurse dries Isla off and swaddles her in her pink blanket and Logan wheels her back to her mom
A different nurse comes in
Nu: a doctor will be in soon to check over your baby and mum to see if your able to go home
Lo: thx nurse
Jake and Erika have gone home to put Kian down for a sleep and Logan rings Jake to ask him if he could prepare his house for when they come home and to gather everyone there. The doctor comes in and gives Chloe and Isla the all clear then Logan goes out to get her car seat and puts her in it

Lo: are you ready to go home princess They leave and arrive at Logan's house and see a big sign saying welcome home Isla Grace

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Lo: are you ready to go home princess
They leave and arrive at Logan's house and see a big sign saying welcome home Isla Grace. They enter and everyone coos over Isla
Ja: tomorrow is when we find out what we are having. A brother or sister for Kian

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