Chapter 30

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Erika gets a call from Kylie and she answers it but it's Khloe's voice
Kh: Erika Kylie is in labour can you come over to the hospital. Kylie wants you in the room
Erika says goodbye to Jake and the kids and goes to the hospital. She walks into Kylie's room and sits down next to Khloe
Ky: Erika come here and hold my hand
Er: I'm here ky.
Midw: the baby is stressing out, we need to do a emergency c-section right away. Kylie do you agree
Ky: Erika I'm scared
Er: don't be, it's time for this baby to meet its parents
Ky: will you come with me
Er: sure if Khloe and your mom allow me to be in there
Nur: ok we are short on a doctor to deliver the baby as they are all busy, so we need one of you to deliver the baby but I'll be there telling you what to do
Er: I've got a idea, how about I deliver the baby and Khloe and your mom can come in and hold your hand.
The nurse takes Erika to get her ready for surgery and another nurse takes Kylie down to the theatre.
Erika is all dressed in scrubs and a mask and the nurse cuts Kylie open and Erika sees the baby and gets her out and raises her over the sheet so Kylie can see her. The cord is cut and Erika takes the baby over to be dried off and hands her to her mom
Er: she's beautiful just like her mom
Erika takes the baby to the nursery while Kylie recovers.
While she is at the hospital she goes to check if the babies are ok. She is now nearing the end of the pregnancy. She's got a month to go. Chloe has already delivered a baby boy which they named George
She gets a ultrasound
Doc: ok I say the babies will be here in 2 hours, you've started labour and your 8 cm dilated. We'll need to break your waters and deliver the babies by caesarean as it's the safest way
Er: can I call my husband
Jake arrives after dropping the kids off at Logan's house
Erika gets taken through to have her caesarean and Jake follows. The baby's are born
Doc: she's bleeding and I can't stop it.
A nurse escorts Jake and the babies out of the room while they stabilise Erika
Doc: Jake Paul
Ja: yes
Doc: your wife is fine.
Ja: can I see her
Jake follows the doctor holding two babies and goes into Erikas room
Ja: Erika we have a boy and a girl
Er: call the boy Joesph and the girl Isabella
Kylie walks in holding Stormi
Ky: omg you had yours too. I can't believe our children was born on the same day
Savannah and Kian meet the babies then they all go home the next day

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