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((Dedicated to Tomlinson_god because she's amazing))

Ashton’s P.O.V

I smile to myself as I walk down the aisle towards my seat, still replaying the flight attendant’s speech in my head. Children or adults acting like children, Lauren’s gonna love that one. She really didn’t like it when I told her I had to go to England to check out a board, especially not when she realised I wouldn’t be home for my birthday, but hopefully this story and the presents I got for her and Harry will make up for it. Maybe I should write it down, just to make sure I remember it.

“Oops, sorry!” I jump backwards when someone bumps into me, spilling their drink at my shirt and my shoes. “I’m really really sorry, I wasn’t looking.” I look up from my now ruined shirt and is just about to start yelling when my eyes lock with another pair. The girl standing in front of me is drop dead gorgeous, with long red hair, freckles and brown eyes, and I completely forget to be mad at her.

“No worries, I like it better this way.” I say as i smile, showing off my dimples. “The name’s Ashton.” We have to move out of the way when a little girl tries to get past us and she climb over two girls to a seat I guess is hers. I climb over a man in the row in front of hers and takes the seat closest to the window.

“I’m Rian, this is Ivory and Millie.” She says, pointing at the two sleeping girls. “And again, I’m really sorry about your shirt.”

“At least it wasn’t coffee.” She nods and offers me a banana which I gladly accept and I start eating it while she tells me about how she and her friends are travelling the world. They started in Canada, since they’re all from there, and then went to LA before continuing to Paris. They then took the train to Berlin and a bunch of other cities with weird european names before taking the plane to London.

“And now we’re going to Australia. We’re gonna take the train from Sydney to Brisbane and stay there for a few days before taking the boat to Japan.” I nod to show her I’m still listening before turning around to throw what’s left of the banana in the trash. “After that we’ll probably go back home. But enough about us, where are you going?”

“Home actually, I live in Sydney.” I tell her. “I’ve been to London looking at a surfboard and now I’m on my way back.” I ignore the glares from the man next to me and keep my attention on Rian. “You’re gonna love Australia, once you get used to the heat.”

After an hour or so the man next to me has had enough and goes to get a flight attendant, so I have no choice but to go back to my seat. I sit down and put my headphones in, trying to think f a way to get back to the girls so that I can keep talking to them, but before I can do anything the plane loses height and people immediately starts screaming. Well...shit.

Liam’s P.O.V

"Excuse me?” I look up from my book just to make sure the person isn’t talking to me, but he is. The man next to me, closest to the window, is looking at me as if he’s waiting for an answer.


“I just…” he points at the aisle and I suddenly understand.

“Of course, sorry.” I move over so that he can get out of his seat and watch him walk over to the restroom. We’ve been in the air for fifteen hours and this is the first time he’s gotten out of his seat, I can’t really tell if that strange or not. He’s just been sitting there with his headphones on, staring out the window. I didn’t really think much of it, I don’t even know why I’m thinking about it now, but there’s something about him that makes me want t get to know him. Maybe I’ll try to talk to him when he gets back.

Staring at the sun // 1D & 5SOSWhere stories live. Discover now