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Rian's P.O.V

"Ash?" I hesitate outside the closed door but then I remember that I don't have all day and I push it open. The room behind the door is very small and with the bed in the middle of it there isn't much space left. Ashton's laying in the bed with his right arm in a cast, apparently sound asleep. I smile to myself as I close the door and walk over to the bed, sitting down on the edge and taking his left hand in mine. "I just wanted to check up on you, you had me really worried back on the island and I wanted to make sure you still had your arm and everything. I mean you never really know with doctors do you?" I move a bit further up on the bed so that my feet are dangling in the air, making me think of when I was younger and was terrified of sleeping with a hand or a foot outside the bed, thinking someone would come and pull me down to hell if I did. "And it looks like they got you cleaned up a bit too, that's really about time. You know maybe if you had let me wash your hair back there people would actually recognize you when they see you now, it's so curly." I can't help but run my fingers through his hair before leaning forward and kissing his forehead. "I should probably go."

"your hair smells different." I'm so surprised by his voice that I actually fall off the bed and I can hear him laugh from where I'm laying on the floor.

"You dick!" I get on my feet again and sit back down on his bed, glaring at him. He has opened his eyes and are laying there smiling at me, showing off his dimples.

"oh come on, you love me. You know, you worried about me." I blush and try to think of something to say, but can't think of anything that explains what I said earlier.

"of course I did, you're my friend. I would have worried if it was someone else too." I tell him once I realise I might as well tell him the truth.

"Oh really now? Would you have come to visit them too?" he tries to sit up and I instinctively reaches out to help him move the pillow up behind his back so that he can lean against it. "you hair really does smell different."

"of course it does, I got it washed and stuff like that." I tell him as I sit back down. "and I would have visited them too yes."

"Oh yes, I can tell. You got a haircut too right?" I nod, surprised that he noticed that. "So I'm assuming you've visited Michael then?"

"well, no I haven't." I admit. "but I don't think anyone have, after yesterday and everything. I mean we've all been with our families."

"What happened yesterday? They sent me here before I even got to see my family." he looks around in the room and his eyes lands on the small pile of clothes that's laying on the chair on the other side of the bed. "do you think you can hand me that shirt? I really don't like this gown thingy, it feels like I'm wearing a dress." I walk around the bed to the chair and picks up the t-shirt, handing it to him. "mind helping me change?"

"please tell me you're not naked under that thing."

"I'm not, they gave me these boxers that are extremely itchy." I help him untie the hospital gown and take it off, leaving him to put the t-shirt on as I put the gown on the chair and walk back to the bed, sitting down again.

"alright, so you know how all our families were in the harbour yesterday?" I move back and sit cross legged next to his feet. "we were all like hugging and talking to our parents and stuff and then someone started yelling. I didn't really think of it at first because I assumed it was a good thing, like when Perrie called for Zayn right before hugging him, she's absolutely gorgeous by the way, she's so beautiful. Anyway, this other person kept yelling at someone and I got curious so I went to see what was going on yeah? She kept saying "that's not my son!" and "you told me my son was alive but he isn't" and stuff like that and at first I didn't understand who she was talking to because I was standing kind of like behind her but then she moved and she was...she was talking to Michael. He was just standing there taking it and it was so horrible. She told him that he wasn't her son and that she never wanted to see him again and he just looked so broken."

Staring at the sun // 1D & 5SOSWhere stories live. Discover now