The World We Knew

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Louis’ P.O.V

I open my eyes just to immediately close them again, the sun is way too bright and I can’t understand why someone would decide to sleep here, not only is it sunny but it’s wet as well. Wait...what?

I open my eyes again and sit up, looking around. I’m on a beach, a beautiful beach with white sand and seashells and everything, and someone is laying next to me with his back towards me. That’s when I remember what happened, how the plane started losing height and how it hit the water, how me and Calum managed to get out in time. I don’t remember anything about how we got here though.

“Calum?” I shake him slightly but he doesn’t wake up. “Calum?” Oh please god don’t be dead!

“What? What’s going...on?” He asks as he sits up. “How did we end up here?” I stand up without answering him and start walking away from the water. “Louis? Did we really make it?” He asks and I can hear him running to catch up with me. ”Is there anyone else? There has to be right? We can’t be the only ones who survived.” I turn around, catching him by surprise because he doesn’t stop in time, causing him to bump into me.

“I woke up a few seconds before you did, I left the plane at the same time as you and we were washed up at the same place, how the fuck do you expect me to know all that?” I ask,louder than I meant to. He doesn’t answer, he just stands there looking down at me with big, scared eyes. I didn’t realise he’s taller than me until now but I’m too pissed off to care. Instead of waiting for an answer I turn around again and continue walking away from where we first woke up.

I walk for hours with Calum a few meters behind me, none of us saying a word, and I can feel the anger slowly being replaced by guilt. Just as I start considering apologizing to him I feel something tug on my shirt and when I turn around he’s standing there with tears rolling down his cheeks.

“I’m sorry Lou.” He whispers before wrapping his arms around my waist and hiding his face in the crook of my neck. “I’m just so scared and I don’t want you to be mad at me and I don’t want to be alone. I’m sorry.” I don’t know what to say, the apology I had prepared is completely forgotten and I just stand there holding him as he cries into my shoulder.

“Hey!” The voice coming from somewhere behind me breaks us apart and I turn around to face whoever this person is, making sure I stay between him and Calum, just incase. The person, a boy around Calum’s age would be my guess, runs over to us and stops, resting his hands on his knees as he tries to catch his breath.

“Who are you?” Calum moves closer to the stranger and my brotherly instincts kicks in, making me hold an arm out to stop him from getting any closer, ignoring the confused looks I get from him.

“Who are you?” I ask, repeating Calum’s question.

“I’m Ashton, 37B. I was sitting a few rows in front of you two, to the left.” I take a closer look at him before turning to Calum, who just shrugs. I don’t remember seeing this guy before, but then again I never remember what I had for breakfast and it was a lot of people on the plane, not to mention the fact that I was kinda busy trying to stay alive to really care about anything else.

“I’m Louis.” I tell him after a few moments of awkward silence. “This is Calum.” Ashton nods and smiles, showing off dimples that makes me think of the beautiful flight attendant. Did he make it off the plane? is he here on the island? And what about that young girl he was with, did she make it?

“Well then, it’s nice to meet both of you but how about we keep moving? Maybe we’ll find someone else.” I nod, already liking this Ashton character, he seems like the kind of guy who gets things done.

Staring at the sun // 1D & 5SOSWhere stories live. Discover now