It wasn't a dream

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Ashton's P.O.V

I'm not sure who came up with this idea, but I will love that person forever and ever. I don't know why we didn't think of this sooner, it's really obvious when you think about it, they did it in every movie and tv-series I've ever seen where someone is stranded on an island like this. I've only ever seen one series like that but there were like kids in that and they figured this out sooner than we did.

"Ashton, pass me that shirt please." I pick up the shirt next to me and throw it at Millie. She glares at me before going back to work, ripping the shirt to pieces. I'm actually not sure why I'm here in the first place, seeing that I know nothing about sewing, but I'm not complaining. It's nice hanging out with the girls and not having to do anything exhausting. "Ash why don't you go help the boys with the raft instead? We should try to get this done today and you're not helping here." That didn't last very long. I sigh and get on my feet, picking my jacket up before heading over to where the guys are building a raft.

"Hello, what can I do to help?" I ask once I get there. Liam, Zayn, Calum and Harry are busy dragging a tree from the jungle over to where the actually building happens and they don't seem to notice me, but the others does.

"Can you take over for me please? I need to go check on Michael." I nod and walk over to where Luke's holding a log in place while Niall is tying it to the other ones. Even though he keeps denying something's wrong, at least that's what I've heard since he still isn't really speaking to anyone except for Luke and Lily, Michael's been sick lately. According to Luke he has a fever and he's definitely lost quite a lot of weight, that's obvious. It's also very obvious that Luke's extremely worried, and not only in a "my best friend is sick" kind of way, no it's more than that.

"Heart eye motherfucker." I mutter under my breath, quoting a meme I saw online in what feel like another lifetime. Niall hears me and starts laughing, earning a confused look from Louis. I shake my head when he looks at me, wanting an explanation, and focus on holding the log in place.

We do actually get the raft finished before it gets dark and once the girls are done with the sign they've been working on and it's been tied to the raft we head out in the water, Luke and Calum walking out as far as possible with it as the rest of us stop when the water reaches our waists, watching as they send it away. It's actually kind of beautiful, watching as the raft slowly drifts away towards the setting sun. I get bored after a while though and walk back to the camp together with pretty much everyone else. The only ones who stays behind are Liam and Zayn, who sits down in the sand not really talking to each other as far as I can tell. I head straight over to my shelter, laying down and falling asleep immediately.

I don't actually remember waking up,but somehow I find myself standing on the path leading into the jungle. i'm obviously on my way somewhere so I keep walking in the direction I was heading, into the jungle. After a minute or two I walk past someone I recognize even though I can't really place her anywhere and I accidentally bump into her.

"sorry, didn't mean to run into you." I say, smiling. There's something about this whole situation that feels oddly familiar, although the setting isn't the same.

"It's fine, don't worry about it." She smiles back, the smile not reaching her eyes, eyes that stays in the shadow and that seems to have an odd...reddish colour. I don't get a chance to say anything else before she's turned around again and kept walking towards our camp. I shrug, assuming she didn't feel like talking, and then I keep walking. After a few seconds a memory flashes by, a plane cabin filled with people, me walking towards my seat and bumping into someone, someone who isn't the gorgeous canadian I've been living with for the past weeks. I stop dead in my tracks when I realise this, and then I turn around. As i'm running back to camp I mentally beat myself up for being so stupid, what if she's killed everyone by the time I get back to camp.

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