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Harry’s P.O.V

Today’s the day. I even know what day it is, or at least the date. Turns out Millie has been keeping track of the days since we got here, and this is hopefully going to be something I’ll want to remember so I asked her yesterday. August twenty-fourth, the first date I’ve been on for years and probably the only date I’ll have go on that’s on a tropical island. Hopefully it’s not the only date I’ll ever go on with Louis though, because I really really like him.

“Lou?” He turns around and smiles at me before leaving Calum, who looks slightly annoyed with me, and walks over to me.

“Hi Haz, what’s up?” I take his hand and pull him away from Calum just to make sure we’re alone, if he’s going to laugh at me and turn me down I don’t need someone else to laugh with him.

“I was uh….Iwaswonderingifyouwanttogoonadatewithme.” I say quietly and with my eyes on the ground.

“Sorry, what?”

“I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me, tonight.” I say again, slower this time. “I mean you don’t have to, I totally get it if you don’t like me that way, and it doesn’t have to make it weird between us or anything but I kinda….”

“Oh shut up Styles, of course I’ll go.” He cuts me off, smiling. “You can pick me up at seven.” And with that he turns around and walks back to Calum. I stay where I am, staring after him until Calum drags him away across the beach, and then I start running. I have to figure out where to take him, I need to figure out what to do when we get there and I need to decide if we’re going to eat before or if I’m just going to bring some food. Maybe I can ask Rian if she has any good birds or something, fruit isn’t for dates. I decide to use that idea and starts looking for Rian. Eventually I remember that she went out hunting with Liam earlier this morning. That’s okay, you can find her later, go look for somewhere to have the date now, and not on the beach, that’s too cliche, and he’s probably tired of the beach anyway. Find another place, maybe a cave or something. Or no wait, not a cave, caves has bats and other scary animals. Remember that polarbear in Lost? That lived in a cave. I nod to myself and head towards the jungle.

“Hey Harry!” I don’t get that far before someone’s calling my name, and when I turn around I find Luke running towards me. “I heard about your date with Louis.” Word sure gets around quickly here.

“Well, Lucas, what’s it to you?” I ask him, smiling.

“That’s not my name, anyway. I think I can help you.” He grabs my arm and starts walking. “You see there’s this place, a small creek. I go there a lot with Michael…”

“What? Are you two like a thing now?” I ask, cutting him off. He glares at me shaking his head but he can’t keep a slight blush from spreading on his cheeks. “Oh but you want to be.”

“Anyway, it’s a really nice place, very secluded and without the sand that gets everywhere. Come on, I’ll show you.” He doesn’t let go of my arm as we’re walking and he doesn’t say anything, so it gives me time to think.

“You really do like him don’t you?” I ask him after a while. “Like, more than just “I wanna be your best friend” like, you want more than just friendship.”

“It really doesn’t matter what I want.” He says, sighing. “I barely know him, he’s only just starting to open up and I don’t want to mess that up.” I try to think of something to say that’ll make things better but before I get the chance to he stops walking. “We’re here.” He lets go of my arm and steps aside so that I can get a better look at the place. In front of us is a small creek with a waterfall in the other end of it surrounded by different flowers and it just looks amazing.

Staring at the sun // 1D & 5SOSWhere stories live. Discover now