Storm 2.0

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Ivory’s P.O.V

You’d think living on a beach with twelve other people you survived a plane crash with would be exciting, that something new would happen every day and so on, but in reality it’s quite boring. Sure, we have the occasional fights and Lily’s nightmares but it’s not like we’re starving or anything. Most of us even have pillows and blankets now, since half of the people on the plane seemed to have packed that, so it’s really not that weird that I’m starting to get bored. I don’t even know how long we’ve been here for, it could be months, and I’m actually starting to miss my job back home. Picking fruit and collecting firewood gets boring after a while, believe it or not.

“Hi there.” I smile as Millie comes and joins me on the log by the fire. “How are you doing?” I shrug and pick up a stick to poke the fire with.

“I’m bored, there’s nothing to do around here. We have more fruit than we need, same with firewood, and it’s not like I can come with Rian and Liam when they go hunting.” I sigh and throw the stick in the direction of the water, almost hitting Niall with it. “Sorry!”

“Well why don’t we come up with something to do then?” Millie says before standing up. “It can’t be that hard.” She takes my hand and pulls me towards the water. “Let’s build a sandcastle.” I nod and we sit down in the sand and start building. It’s a lot harder than I remember, probably because we don’t have any tools or anything.

“Remember when we did this at the beach back home? It was like freezing cold and we didn’t want to but Rian made us do it anyway?” I ask her, smiling at the memory.

“How could I forget? I got the worst cold ever that day, and two new best friends” ((And the crowd goes “awwwwwh”))

“Ivory!” I let go of my dad’s hand and run over to Rian, completely forgetting about the family we came here with. I drop to my knees in the sand next to her and grabs a red bucket that I start to fill with sand.

“Girls, come over here and say hi!” I sigh and stand up, slowly making my way back to my dad with Rian trailing behind me. “Girls, this is Millie, she and her family just moved here from England.”

“So this is Ree-anne.” Millie’s mum smiles down at Rian.

“It’s Rian, pronounced like Ryan.” Rian tells her before taking my hand and pulling me back to the beach. “Come on Millie! Let’s build a sandcastle.”

We work on the sandcastle in silence for a while, trying our best to actually make it look like a sandcastle, before someone calls our names. I look up just to see Lily running towards us. She falls down when she’s a few meters away but gets back on her feet before we’ve even gotten a chance to get up and help her.

“Luke said to go here, Luke booboo.” She tells us as she sits down in Millie’s lap. I have absolutely no idea what she means with that but she doesn’t seem too worried so I guess it’s not that big of a deal.

“It looks like there’s another storm coming, maybe we should head back up to the camp.” Millie suggests and I nod, after realising just how dark the clouds above us are, and get on my feet. Millie carries Lily as we walk over to the shelters and when we get there she leaves her with Harry.

“Hi, sorry I just sent her off to you guys.” I turn around and are just about to answer when I notice the bruise on Luke’s cheek.

“What happened?” He sighs and walks over to a log. I follow and sit down next to him while I wait for him to tell me.

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