The Island

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Harry’s P.O.V

“Hey...shh we’re alright baby girl, shh don’t cry.” I hold Lily close to my chest as I make my way out of the water. I have no idea how she’s still crying after being under water like that. “It’s alright baby, you’re alright.” I sit down in the sand a few meters from the water and Lily slowly lets go of my neck as she looks up. “Let’s get you out of these wet clothes alright?” She looks up at me and nods her head slightly before lifting her arms so that I can pull her shirt off. When she’s in nothing but her panties I stand up and walk over to a rock and lay her clothes out there to dry before taking my tie off and throwing it towards the water, earning a giggle from her. I take off the awful vest I’m being forced to wear as a part of my uniform but decide to keep it, maybe Lily could wear it as a dress since it’s a bit too warm for the clothes she was wearing on the plane.

“mummy?” I turn around to look at the little girl who’s sitting in the sand where I left her, looking out at the ocean as if she’s expecting her mum to show up at any second. I sigh, knowing that the chances of anyone who was in the front of the plane still being alive are slim, and take my shirt off so that it’ll dry before walking over to her and sitting down.

“Hi baby girl.” I pick her up and put her on my lap again and she closes her eyes. “It’ll all be alright, we’ll be alright.”

After ten minutes or so she falls asleep and I stand up, carefully so that I won’t wake her, and walk over to the treeline, not wanting her to be out in the sun more than necessary. I sit down with my back against a tree and watch how the waves comes crashing in. Are we the only survivors? Did everyone else die? If so, how are we going to survive out here alone? I don’t know anything about taking care of kids, I don’t know anything about survival, I don’t know what’s safe to eat and what isn’t, I don’t even know how to find freshwater. Who knows if the plane was on course when we went down, maybe we were miles off course, and if we were they may never find us.


Zayn’s P.O.V

I cling to the man who just saved me as if my life depends on it, and I guess it does. He doesn’t say anything about it, instead he starts swimming towards an island a few hundred meters away. It takes him maybe ten minutes to get us there and as soon as he stands up I let go of him and practically runs out of the water before tripping over my own feet and falling down, face first in the sand.

“You alright?” I sit up, wiping the sand away the best I can before I open my eyes and nod.

“You saved me, thank you.” He smiles and lays down next to me in the sand.

“My pleasure, if I’m gonna be stuck here for a while I’d rather have you with me than being alone, loneliness drives people crazy.” We sit there for a while, none of us saying anything, before he stands up and starts walking along the shore. I get up and follow him, walking a few meters behind him just to make sure he doesn’t get annoyed by my presence. I should probably ask him if he wants me to leave but he did say he wouldn’t want to be alone here and I’m too scared to leave, if I’m being honest. I don’t know anything about living on an island, that might not even be an island, I can’t even swim, but this man does. He’s already saved my life once.

“I’m Zayn.” I tell him after a few minutes of me walking behind him, trying to keep up. He slows down a little and I walk up next to him, waiting for him to say something.

“Liam.” He turns to me with his hand out, waiting for me to take it. “It’s nice to meet you, although the circumstances could have been better.” I take his hand and shakes it twice before letting go and we start walking again, this time side by side. I try to think of something to say but what do you say when you’ve just survived a plane crash and are stuck on something that may or may not be an island? Is there anything you can talk about that actually matters?

“Hey is that...a person?” Liam’s voice snaps me out of my thoughts and I follow his gaze, spotting something on the beach a few hundred meters in front of us. At first I don’t see why he’d think that’s a human being but then I realise it is in fact a person wearing a hoodie or something.

“I think so yeah.” Liam immediately starts running and after hesitating a few seconds I follow him. Once I catch up with him he’s already kneeling next to the person. i fall to my knees on the other side of the person, who I now see is a boy. Liam carefully flips him over so that he’s laying on his back and when he does, the boys hood falls back, revealing a deep cut next to his left eye.

“Shit.” Liam mutters. When I look away from the horrifying cut he’s already back on his feet. “Stay here, don’t do anything.” He orders before running away towards the forest, or maybe it’s more of a djungle. He disappears out of sight and I look back down at the boy, trying to remember if I saw him on the plane or not. I can’t remember anyone except for Liam though, probably because he was the only one I spoke to.

Liam returns after fifteen minutes. He sits down next to me this time and I notice he’s taken his shirt off and is now only wearing his jacket. I’m about to ask why when I notice that he’s holding the shirt and that it’s now drenched in water. He must have found some freshwater or something because otherwise I don’t see why he ran off into the forest.

“Here, hold these.” He rips the t-shirt in two and hands me one of the pieces before carefully washing the blood off the boy’s face with the other one. I just sit there, unsure of what to do, any try not to think about the last time I saw this much blood. “Hey, hey it’s alright.” Once again Liam’s voice snaps me out of my thoughts and I realise the boy is no longer unconscious and is trying to sit up. “You need to calm down, we’re not going to hurt you.” The boys green eyes moves from him to the bloody shirt in his hand and then up to me.

“I promise we’re just trying to help you, we were on the plane too.” I take the shirt from Liam and move closer to the boy, giving it to him. “I’m Zayn, this is Liam.” I tell him and he nods, still not taking his eyes off me. We sit there for a while, Liam and I trying to get him to relax by telling him stuff about us and Liam then tells him about what happened when the plane went down, probably because he’s hoping the boy will snap out of whatever it is and tell us who he is and if he was on the plane or not. Maybe he was in the other part, maybe he saw something. But he doesn’t say anything, he just sits there, twisting the shirt in his hands, not caring that he has blood running down the side of his face. Eventually Liam gives up. He gets on his feet again and starts walking towards the forest again and I’m just about to run after him when the boy finally opens his mouth.

“Michael. I’m Michael.”

~ AN: far we have five survivors. Will there be more? And what do you think Zayn meant with the last time he saw that much blood? What's up with that? Vote and comment and tell me what you think maybe? Lots of love //M ~

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