They say I'm crazy

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Louis’ P.O.V

“Morning Lou.” I smile as I walk over to Harry, who’s sitting on a log next to the fire eating a banana.

“Morning Harry.” He hands me another banana and I sit down next to him while eating it, not bothering with trying to come up with something to say.

“I’m gonna go for a walk, do you wanna come with?” He stands up and offers me a hand, which I gladly accepts. I let go as soon as I get up though, otherwise things would get really awkward. I have actually been considering doing what Calum said and just go for it but if he doesn’t like me back things would get really awkward and who knows how long we’ll be stuck here. And why would he like me back? we’ve only been here for a few days and it’s not like we’ve been spending an extreme amount of time together.

“Where’s Lily?”I ask him after maybe five minutes and he shrugs.

“Probably with Luke or Ivory.” I nod and we keep walking in silence. After another fifteen minutes of just walking and listening to the ocean he stops. I do the same and look over at him, unsure of what we’re doing. “Come on.” He takes my hand again and pulls me along as he walks over to a big rock that he then proceeds to climb up on. I follow him and sit down next to him, and for a while we just sit there in silence. “have you ever liked someone so much you just want to kiss them?” He asks after a while and I can almost hear my heart break. I knew it, of course he already likes someone.

“Yeah I have, I didn’t really do anything about it though.” I say quietly before looking away, trying my best to keep a straight face. I can’t let him know how much hearing that hurt me, I just can’t.

“If you had been on an island, stranded without any idea of how long you’ll be there for, would you have done it then?” He asks and I look up at him again. “Even if you’ve only known him for a week or so?” I can’t think of anything to say so I just sit there with my mouth slightly open for what feels like hours and then I slowly nod. He moves closer to me and I’m just sitting there watching him as he does so. I have absolutely no idea what to do. “I’m going to kiss you now Lou.” He whispers when our faces are just a few centimeters apart and I nod again, but just as our lips are about to meet, someone comes running.

“Guys! Guys come on, you have to come see this!” Ashton’s voice makes Harry move away from me so quickly he actually falls off the rock we’re sitting on. “Rian and Liam just came back with a bird! I’m not even kidding they actually caught something, come on!” He grabs my hand and pulls me off the rock, completely oblivious to the fact that we were just about to kiss when he got here, and starts dragging me towards camp. I look back at Harry and he smiles as me before running up to us.

“Next time.” he whispers in my ear before taking my free hand and once again I forget how to talk. Luckily Ashton’s still too busy telling us about how he never thought we’d actually get some bird to eat to notice anything.

“Who would even think of packing stuff like this? Like seriously?” I’m sitting next to Harry on the beach as we’re going through the luggage that didn’t belong to anyone of us together with Niall and Millie. at the moment Niall’s holding something that looks like a book made out of...plants?

“You’d be surprised.” Harry says, smiling, as he reaches over me to take the book from Niall. “I’ve seen a lot of crazy things being pulled out of suitcases, three chickens for example. Three living chickens.” We all stare at him for a few seconds, trying to tell if he’s joking, before Niall starts laughing so hard he falls backwards in the sand. Harry opens the book and starts reading it and me and Millie keeps going through the suitcases while we wait for Niall to calm down.

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