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((This is really short but check out the author's note at the end))

Liam’s P.O.V

“Guys, I’m gonna go out again, see if i can think of something new.” I look away from the small fire we have burning all the time and over at Rian, who’s standing next to her shelter with a small backpack. It’s been a few hours since Ashton and Michael had that fight and Luke and Lily just left to try and find Michael. Everybody’s been really quiet since then and I can tell rian’s rather upset. I know she’s really close to Ashton but she seemed to have gotten to know Michael a bit too.

“Can I come with you?” I ask her and she nods, so I get on my feet and goes to get my jacket. I’ve wanted to spend some time with Rian for a while now, but I haven’t really had the chance to ask her to do something with me.

“Be careful you guys, it’ll get dark in a couple hours.” Millie says as we walk past her and Rian nods and walks over to her, whispering something in her ear before come back to me.

I walk behind her as we’re following a path she seems to know by heart already, and even though I want to talk to her, ask her questions and so on, I know I shouldn’t. We’re out here to get food, not to talk. So that’s what I do, I try my best to find something that can lead us to the ducks we’re looking for, even though I’m not really sure what that is. I know how to kill animals, I know how to take care of the meat and the feathers and so on, but i’ve never actually had to do it, and I’ve never been hunting like this before.

“Over there.” Rian whispers and I look in the directions she’s pointing. A few hundred meters from us a small flock of birds are resting. “We should probably try to build some snares or something, that’ll be easier that trying to spear them.” We walk back along the path before splitting up and moving around the birds to meet on the other side. While I’m working with the snares I allow myself to relax and just listen to what’s going on around me. I’ve been worrying so much since we came here, over food, shelter, over who’s fighting with who and so on, it’s exhausting. But now, out here, I don’t have to worry about anything except for making these snares as good as possible, and that’s something I know I can manage.

We meet again on the other side of the birds and keeps walking without a word. After maybe an hour we decide to take a break so we sit down on a few rocks next to a small stream. She takes out a few mangos from her backpack and hands me one and we eat in comfortable silence. Eventually we start talking and I realise how different she is when she’s talking about herself, she seems nervous and insecure. I notice how her nose twitches a few times but I don’t say anything about it, I actually find it rather cute.

“So where do you stand in this whole Ashton/Michael situation?” She asks me after a few minutes of silence and I shrug. I really don’t know what to think about that.

“I don’t know. I mean Ashton shouldn’t have lashed out like that, Michael didn’t deserve it, but I understand how frustrated he is and all that, I mean we’re all stuck here and he wants to be friends with everyone and Michael...isn’t falling for his charm or whatever, you know? I mean Ashton is normally a really nice guy, we all know that, and it’s not right of him to take this all out on Michael, but at the same time I feel like Michael could have tried a little harder, I mean he can talk, we’ve known that all the time, so he could have just said something, even if it’s just “I’m not comfortable talking with you” and yeah...that would have made things a lot better, I mean then it wouldn’t have been as many misunderstandings and so on.” I sigh and run my fingers through my hair. “But I’m really not good at this so maybe that wouldn’t have changed anything, maybe that would have made it worse.” Rian nods but she doesn’t say anything, at least not for a while.

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