Chapter Seventeen: How To Turn Back Time?

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     "I can't take it anymore!" Harry shouted outa no where

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"I can't take it anymore!" Harry shouted outa no where. It was silent in the sidemen house, the boys playing uno while Vik was flying through his social media. He should really get back to making videos, the money for paying the bills wasn't created and the rent was due in two weeks.
"What can't you take?" Ethan asked as he placed down a red one.
Harry thrashed his arms around at every and shouted "This!"
"I don't-really, you didn't have any other card?" Josh groaned. He managed to he himself distracted from questions the younger's actions. Josh reached his hand for the deck and continued to pick up until he had a red. After fifteen cards, he picked up a red four. "Aww, come on! I was in the lead, this will not be forgotten"
"Sorry, unless you want some plus fours coming your way." Ethan apologizes.
"Guys-" Harry began.
"-UNO SUCKERS!" JJ yelled at the group as he slammed his red two on the table, cutting of Harry.
"What! No way! I call bull-" Tobi began to argue.
"OH PLEASE, CHECK IT LITTLE BOY!" Jide waves the card over his face.
"How, I could've swore you had about then more cards!" Simon shouted, dumbfounded.
"GUYS!" Harry threw the cards off the table and they landed on the ground, scattered. He than slammed his hands on the table, if not a ghost, he could've shattered it.
"HARRY! I WAS IN THE LEAD!" JJ shouted at him.
Simon also slammed his hands on the glass table. "Your picking that up!"
"YOU LITTL-" Ethan began as he threw his cards over with the rest of the cards.
"I think that you guys are done playing uno" I mumbled as I placed my phone down and began to pick up the cards.
"Your all ears now, Harry" Tobi rubbed his forehead and placed it on the table.
"Yeah, what in the world was so important that you had to destroy our cards?" Simon glared at the younger.
"I bet it was because he came in last place when I made him pick up" josh snickers. The rest of us chuckled as Harry's ears boiled.
"No! I'm sick of being a ghost!" Harry was clearly mad about losing the uno game.....but he brought up a new point.
"What do you wanna do about it?" Josh questioned as I placed he uno cards back onto the table and picked up my phone.
"Theirs actually nothing we can do." Tobi corrected Josh.
"Yes their is! Vik, you can flipping change the past! Do it!" Harry shook my shoulders.
"And I can die like that! I can barely go back a few hours!-" I cut myself off when I looked into Harry's eyes-Emptiness-were they always like that?
He lowers his voice so only I can hear it. "Please, I beg you. I can't live like this anymore"
"I-fine" I sighed as looked at the others. "What will I do if I actually get that far back in time? And that's a pretty big 'IF"
"Try to prevent us from leaving-from going to that restaurant on your birthday" Jide suggested.
"What if I can't make it that far back?" I questioned. The group fell silent as our brains were thinking of a solution.
"Then we accept our faith" Tobi spoke up. Harry shot the older an annoyed and shocked look.
"We can't accept it!" Harry sneered.
"We're going to have to see if Vik can actually make it. Be safe, Vikram" Tobi explains before he bid me a farewell. The rest also said their goodbyes before I started to twitch my right eye. I saw everything reverse, my eye yelled in pain as I held it. I stopped Time when it was back before I escaped the hospital.
"Vik?" The nurse asked. I ignored her and removed my hand from my eye. Blood.
"Oh my gosh, someone call the doctor." The other one shouted as she held up a wet cloth to my eye. I pushed back her hand and started to twitch my eye again. I ignored the pain before it shot another pain wave to my eye. This time I stopped time again and took a wiff of my surroundings. Back at the hospital with the boys laying around me-the straps being held in place. 'Not far back enough!' I yelled to myself as I continued to twitch. I continued to go back in time, I reached the moment of the car crash. I tried to stop time-but time didn't want to be stopped. 'What the hell-HELP, HELP!'
"Welcome, Vikram" a voice boomed. I thrashed my head around, trying to look to see who or where it came from. I only strained my eyes, the bright light were piecing my eyes.
"Who are you?!" I shouted. "Where am i?!"
The voice chuckled as I saw my eyesight clear up. It was an old man with a thin slender body. He had dark skin and brown eyes "oh, your in terra tempore usque in sempiternum!"
"Land of what?" I asked. The surrounding of the place faded in. Their was grass and water, a huge tree with a clock smacked center. I noticed that I was on the ground so I pushed myself up.
"Land of the new ending time!" He expanded his arms and did a twirl. "But in Latin!"
"Oh cool-wait! How do I leave?!" I stuttered. He gave me a sideways evil glance, a dangerous smile slowly being chiseled onto his face.
"Oh Vikram-you can never leave..."
"No! Their has to be a way!?!"
"You were the chosen one, the one that I chose to reverse time! And to change time!" He explained to me as he grabbed my arm and pulled me up. He draped his heavy arm around my shoulders and pulled me close to him-witch I only wanted to be farther away from them.
"So, like a god?"
"No, just someone who has power. You have power Vikram, it's why you are here. They choose you, when I perish, you will be the over looker!"
I quickly shoved his arm off and it requires me to crash into the ground. "No! I don't want this! I want to go back home! To my parents, my friends, my fans! I don't want to be here! I made a promise that I will go and try to save them!"
"But that was their faith! You'll just be delaying their faith even more! You could destroy the world if you do that!"
"It doesn't matter! Their my friends and I love them! I would do anything for them!"
"But would they do the same for you?"
"I don't have time for your tricks! I'm getting out of here!"
"But how many times have they payed attention to you before? How may times did they bully you and torment you? They stopped because they wanted something from you! They aren't you're real friends!"
"THEY ARE! You don't know us or anything like that!"
"Have you forgotten who controls time?! I see EVERYTHING!"
"Even if that's true! I-VIKRAM BARNS-doesn't break my promises!"
"You'll see, when you go back, you're going to see"
I was going to shout at the old man again before something caught my eye "you said, when you go back, are you going to help me?"
"I am. This might kill me and you in the process if they find out. But take this" he placed a purple colored amulet around my neck. "This will break the protection that keeps us all trapped here. Please make a difference this time, Vikram 10782834"
"What does that mean?"
"You'll see in a second"
I felt myself starting to drift away "Wait! What's your name?!"
"Vikram" and like that, I was gone. I opened my eyes to the place that the car was loaded at the bottom of the river. "I need to go more back!" My eyes refused to go backwards and I started to panic, before I noticed that their was a sledgehammer in my hand along with a little note. 'Please be the Vikram that saves them~the original Vikram'
"MY FOOD!" I quickly grabbed my hammer and crashed it against the window. Tobi shouting and grabbing my arm in an attempt to stop me from killing his car. "PLEASE STOP!"
"Where'd you get that?!" Ethan shouted.
"TRUST ME! I KNOW WHAT IM DOING!" I shouted as the hole was big enough. I moved over to Jide's and Joshua's side and broke their doors. Soon everyone was out and I was the only one caught their. My leg was caught in the seatbelt. 'This is what he ment by save them. Sacrifice myself in order for them to live! It's me or them" I struggled to breath again as my lungs slowly was running out of air. This was before I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist and another pulling my foot out. I had a panic attack that I thought someone was trying to kill me as I was already drowning-but that wasn't the case. They dragged me to the surface as I gasp for air.
"You saved him!" Ethan voice rang out threw my watery ears. My eyes adjusted a bit before I saw that we were all here, Tobi with his arms around my waist, Simon and Harry emerged from the water. No matter what, Tobi will always be their to make sure I'm alright.
"Thanks guys" I chocked out.
"I told you I would never leave you" Tobi gasped as he was also out of breath.
"You literally sacrificed yourself for us!" JJ ruffled my hair and I launched myself into his arms. Missing the older mans hugs.
"What about us! We help you get free!" Harry wined as he joined the group hug. The rest of the men joined in and we held it.
"Your welcome original Vikram"
"What was that?"
"Oh, nothing!"

🕊♡ .°
Thank you for reading this trashy story and I have many more trash books like these! Thank you and have a good day!

°Thank you for reading this trashy story and I have many more trash books like these! Thank you and have a good day!~Nerdy

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