Chapter 1: Hero Freaks

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Iris POV

It's been a few months since I've taken in these two. And I have to say it hasn't been that bad. "Iris!" I open my eyes and I look to my right and see Sarah with some paper in her hands. "What's that?" She then reveals a drawing of me. "Heh, your a pretty good artist kid. Maybe that's your calling." She smiles and she looks down her paper. "Glad you like it! Can I put it on the fridge?" "Sure." She jumps with excitement and she leaves to put in the fridge.

"Iris!" "Oh boy..." Daya walks in with an angry look. "Yeah?" She then pulls out her phone and it shows me on the news in my costume. "I wonder who that could be?" "Iris!" "What?!" I sit up straight. "What do you think your doing?! Killing all these people and killing a bunch of kids parents!" "Well you seem to be okay with it when I killed yours." I smirk a little. "Don't you remember?" She looks away and grits her teeth. "Just... just..." she sighs and she sits down next to me."

"Look." I put my hand on hers. "I never said you had to like what I do. It's just how I make a living." I smile. "And for the entertainment... heh." She sighs again. "I'm just saying that your gonna have to deal with the fact that I kill people and I do it for a good reason other than money. I do it to help those like you." She looks at me. "Just don't get hurt out there. My little sister looks up to you." I'm the one who sighs this time. "I'm not what she thinks I am. But it's ok." I stand up. "I mean I did find a family that will adopt you both. I did some digging and they will take care of you and treat you well." She fakes a smile. "Oh. Great... that's cool." She looks away. "I guess." "Don't."

I say to her and she looks back. "You know you can't stay here. You know that I can't take care of you. What I do can get me arrested if I'm caught and they take you away and give to you some other family that's even worse." "But-" "No buts!" I snapped at her and she jumped with fear. "The new family is coming tomorrow to take you both." She stands up with an angry look. "No! I refuse to leave you!" "You don't have a say in the matter! I told since the beginning that I would take care of you and your sister for the time being!" I step closer to her and she doesn't back down. "You got some balls to stand up like that. How long can you keep it up?" I push her down on the couch and I grab her arms to hold her down. "Stop!" "Not until you say it!" "Stop!" I grab her by the neck. "Say. It!" "I'm... sorry..."

I let her go and I stand up and back away from her. She looks at me with fear this time. I sigh and I put my hand on my face. "Go be normal girl." I remove my hand from my face and she looks at me confused. "Go travel. Get married, have kids! You can live a normal life if you go and you and your sister will never have to see me again." I crouch down and I hold her hand. "You can't stay with me. I'm just protecting you and your sister... but I don't know how long." "Protect us from what?" I hold her hand tighter. "From me."

Later That Night

Raven POV

"Titans! We got another one tonight." "Again?! When does he give up?!" It's been a few months since this person kills a bunch of innocent people and has been robbing banks. But really this guy just gives for the thrill of it. "So what now?" "We know who the next target is and we have a plan to capture and take him in." "And he's obviously goons resist. Like they all do." I say as I roll my eyes. "Alright Titans lets go!"

1 Hour Later

We wait in hiding as this mother and father abuse their son. "We can't stand here while they do this." I argued and they others agreed. "Believe me it's messed up, but right now we have to take this guy in." "But at what cost?" He looks away. "Forget it." As the father was about to hit small child again... a knife was thrown at his throat and he falls back. "Hold."

We wait for the go and the mother looks around scared. "Who's out there?!" Then out of the shadows in a dark corner... a girl in all black with what looks like a reaper mask holding another knife. "Titans go!"

Iris POV

I look at the child covered in bruises and blood. "I love killing those with no souls. Tell me something..." I throw my knife at the mothers leg and she falls. "Did he beg for you to stop?" I pulled the knife out and I stab her other leg. "Did his crying not make you feel like shit?" I stab her left arm. "Tell me. Why were you smiling? When you beat down on your son that wants nothing but Love from you?" She cries in pain and coughs out blood. As she try's to speak I pulled the knife out and I lick her blood as I pulled my mask up a little. "Shhhh." I stand up and I summoned a shadow gun and I aimed it at her head. "Enjoy Hell. May you never find-"

The window, the door, the walls the roof all broken through as five people break in. "Ever heard of knocking?" I tell them and they all get ready to fight me. "Your days of killing are over!" "Oh yeah?" I fired my gun and I blew the bitches head off. "Oops! My finger slip. Guess you can say I have an itchy trigger finger." I shrug and laugh a little. "Oh but don't worry. At least I'm not sitting on my ass letting him get abused. At least I did something." I say to them. "They didn't have to die." "Agree to disagree. Now if you don't mind I'll be going now." He blocks my path. "Not a chance." "We will not let you go!" "Yeah what you've been doing is too far."

I look at the tall cyborg. "Far?" I put my hand on mask and I laugh. "Far?!" I laugh like a manic and I pulled the knife out of the dead father. "I believe I haven't gone far enough! Ive been doing this for years and not some tight wearing freaks are gonna stop me!" I lift my mask up again and I lick the blood.

"Ew! That's disgusting!" I point at the green boy with my knife. "I wonder what animal blood tastes like!" I then point at Robin. "And I wonder if Batman's first sidekick can last longer than the second one he had!" I laugh some more as I'm starting to enjoy myself too much. "And maybe if I'm bored I can make you a full on robot." I point at the girl with orange skin. "Out of this world huh? Well there's a first time for everything." I look over to this girl with a purple hood. "Well aren't you a mystery. And mysterious people I meet are the most..." I lick my lips. "Flavorful." I use my shadow powers and I cover the floor. "What's that?!" "Goodbye." I snap my fingers and I let the whole damn house explode.

I turned my body into a dark cloud and I escaped unfazed. "Now go run along kid." I look back at the burning house. "I should've saved the kid but he did look pretty fucked up." I shrug. "Oh well, at least I killed the parents and some hero's so tonight is a good night." "Get her!" I move to the left and dodged an attack form the Boy Wonder. "Too slow." I kick him in his right side and I heard a snap in his ribs. "Heavy kick?!" He falls to the ground and I walk over to him. "Now I'll send you to Bat's into little pieces." I then look back to the others rushing over to me. "Time to show me your blood."

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