Chapter 7: Biggest Mistake Of Your Life

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??? POV

"This the place?" My spy nods as we stand in front of this place. "Good. And are you sure she's here?" He nods again and I smile. "Good. Now let's get her." We walk to the door and I kick it down. "Let's get started."

Iris POV

What a busy day! After that easy job I got paid a little extra for my hard work. Well it wasn't that hard since none of them have powers so they can't keep up with me. (It was nice of you to get them some food.) "Obviously. I am taking care of them now. Even though I shouldn't be." I open my eyes as I was about to open the door... but then I saw it on the ground. "The fuck? Did someone really try to rob me?" I sigh and I walk in.

I look around and I'm expecting some stuff to be stolen that I can easily buy back. (Well then.) I look to see two dead bodies on the ground. (Two boys!) "Mazel Tov." I then look at my house more and see that this was fight. A fight to keep that whoever came here, did so and fucked up all my shit.

"Wait a sec! Where are the girls?" I run over to their rooms and find them a mess and empty. "No..." I check Daya's. Empty. "NOOOOOO..." I check my room and it's a mess... but empty. "DAMMIT!!!" I start throwing my stuff around very pissed off. "I swear when I find out who took them from me... I'LL BURN THEM ALIVE!!!" "Lets get out of here." I then hear voices.

I walk out of my room and into the living room and I see the no one here. "Sir the coms are on." I walk over tot he dead bodies and I pick up the communicator. "You took them didn't you?" I say into the thing and I hear a laugh. "Well it seems you finally decided to come home." "Give. Me. My. Girls. Back!" "Don't worry I will, after I'm done with them that is." I make a fist and I punch the wall. "You have no idea who you are messing with. Turn the car around and give me my girls back!" I bring it closer. "That is the last time I'm saying it." "Well your girls aren't weren't push overs. Took a lot to take that older one." The nerve of you to put your filthy hands on my children is making me mad!

I walk into the kitchen and I find a some blood in here. "You hurt her didn't you?" I say as I crouch down towards the blood. "Well she did bleed yes but I don't want her dead yet. The boss wants to see her." "Just so I can make this clear. You break into my home. Trash my place. Take my two children. And worst of all you hurt one of them." He must be proud of himself.

"Yes that's right." I put my finger in the blood and I lick it. I smile. "Hehehehe..." I stand up and laugh. "I'll see you soon." I drop it and I walk towards my door. "You just made the biggest mistake of you life you cunts!"

Daya POV

My everything hurts. Where am I? What is this place? "Daya!" "Sarah?!" I open my eyes and I see her. "Daya help me!" "Shut up!" I then see her get hit it's the face and she hits the ground. "Don't touch her!" I then get a slap to the face. "Shut up!" They seem annoyed by us. I then remember why we're here and how we got here. We are kidnapped.

"Can we just give them back to her? I'm not ready to die or whatever she does to us." One the men say. "No. She's not that tough and she's only human like everyone else. She can be killed so don't worry about it." I smirk. "Oh look she thinks it's funny?" He grabs my chin and makes me look at him. "You think it's funny? Some kind of joke?" I shrug. "A little bit yeah. I mean the last two weren't threat special. And neither are you."

He kicks me hard and I cough out blood. "Smartass. This is why your mother has to die." He lets me go and I still smirk and I laugh. "You have no idea what my mom can do. Your gonna wish you never took us big time." The others look scared. "Yeah can we just forget about this? Look Iris is not someone you should fuck with." He just laughs. "Oh yeah? What is she gonna do? Cut off all my skin with a rusty screwdriver?" He says as he picks one up. "Look I can deal with her so just do your jobs and watch over these two as I make preparations."

Raven POV

I walk over to Robin's room and I see him asleep on his bed. I sit down on one of chairs and I look at the tv. Robin, Cyborg, Beast Boy, And then me. All of us have been hurt by that girl. Just being here seeing all my friends hurt makes me sick. I need to get out of here.

I use my powers and I teleport away form this place and I go to this abandoned warehouse. "I wish I could forget." "Shut it!" I then hear grunts of pain.

I look over the edge and I see a 10 guys with guns and two girls being held against their will. (Wait a sec I saw those girls! At the hospital, but then they left around he same time as that one girl.)

"Now shut it before I decide to kill you right now!" "Kiss my ass." What's going on here? Well whoever they are their not going to get away with this.

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