Chapter 14: Iris Being More Of A Mom And Raven Being Scary

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Two Weeks Later

Robin POV

"Have you guys seen Raven?" I ask them and Cyborg points towards the bathroom. "She was just fine but then she made a rush to the bathroom." He tells me. I walk over and I knock on the door. "Raven? You ok in there?" I then hear more of her throwing up. "Yes... HRK!!!" She throws up again.

It's been two weeks and Beast Boy finally woke up and we got Raven back after she disappeared. But lately she's been acting weird. She eats a lot more, she's been very moody, worst of all she's been eating food she never, and I mean NEVER eat. "Robin, can you get my regular please?" "Again? That food is disgusting." A loud bang on the door scares me. "IS THAT A PROBLEM?!?!" "N-No. I-I was just going right now!"

I get away from the bathroom door and into the kitchen. "She's did the thing again didn't she?" I nod and Cyborg pats my shoulder. "One battle you or we, can't win." "WHERES MY FOOD?!?!" Raven comes in very angry and we jump in fear. "C-Coming right u-u-up! Isn't that right Robin?!" (Cyborg you traitor help me!)

Daya POV

It's been two weeks since Heather has been staying with us and Iris letting Raven go. I am happy to have Heather in my life, I love her very much and she feels the same about me. We lay on couch together and I feel her kiss the back my head. I smile and I hold her left arm that's wrapped around me. "So help me if you have sex on my favorite couch..." I blush very hard. "M-Mom!" "Wait... whats sex?"

Shit I forgot! Sarah is still here in the living room! "What's sex? Why let me tell you a wonder story." "Mom...!" "When two people love each other very very much..." "Mom don't you dare! She's too young!" "They like to have what I like to call..." She stands up proud from the couch. "The baby maker!" "Baby maker?" Sarah looks confused still. "Ok that's it!" I take my sisters hand I pull her away from her. "But mom is helping me." "Not today!" Iris sighs. "But I was gonna talk more about the birds and the bees!"

Heather POV

I watch as she drags her little sister away and it's just me and Iris and I'm kinda nervous. I am grateful she took me in ever since my shitty parents were killed. And for that I am happy that I'm free from the abuse and the hate from them. "Did you really have to do that?" "I don't know. Did you really have to fuck my daughter?! Twice!" I blush. "S-Sorry for the first time but the second time she wanted to do it." "Heather!"

Daya walks in blushing like me. "Ohhh the treachery has no bounds. This is the thanks I get you slippery unwet bastards." "Mom that's not fair!" Her mother looks back at the tv. "Your grounded for a week. And no internet on your phone." "Ok now that's really unfair!"

I give a small laugh a little for feeling bad for her. "The same goes for you Gold Digger." "I'm not a gold digger! Also why me?!" She looks at me. "Because you put that penis inside my daughter! Just be glad your pull out game is strong so you don't get her pregnant!" She then takes something out of her pocket and she throws it to me. "Use protection next time!"

I look down to see a unused condom. "Now I'm gonna go get us something to eat. Don't leave the house. Don't open the door for anyone. And if someone breaks in..." She then tosses me a hand gun. "Use that." She puts her shoes on and grabs the keys. "So help me if I come home and find you fucking for third time!" She looks me. "Use. The. Condom!" She then opens he door and looks at us with smile. "Now have fun you two! And make sure to care of  Sarah when I'm gone! Love you!" And then she closes the door. "What just happened?" "I.. don't know anymore."

Iris POV

I walk into the car and I put the keys in. (Should we return the car?) "Ha! Good one!" We both laugh at the joke. "Like hell I'm giving his sick ass car back. This bitch is mine now!" I start to reverse and I accidentally hit something. "Shit!" I look out the window and I see hit some car. "Oh never mind." "Hey asshole! You hit my car!" I look at the car again. "Looked like shit anyways." "That's it!" Then this guy decides to get out of his car. "I don't have time for this." I snap my fingers and he goes under my control. "Go die in a car crash with that shitty car of yours." Like a mindless zombie he does as he's told. "Taco Bell?" (Hell no!) "McDonald's?" (Hell Yes!) "Hell no!" Hmmm. "Pizza?" (I'm okay with Pizza.) "Pizza it is!"

Raven POV

"Is that  normal?" "I don't know and I don't want to ask." I look at them and they jump in fear. "What?! Something on my face?!" "N-Nope! Your fine right guys?" They all nod rapidly. "Whatever." I continue to chow down on the pizza. With some ice cream on the side. And some brownies. And more sweets. I'm even mixing them all together and it tastes delicious.

"Raven I don't know about putting that on pizza." I glare at Starfire and she quivers in fear. "S-Sorry..." she shrinks down on the couch. "And I'm not sharing! So back off!" I tell them as I continue to eat and I realize I'm running out of pizza. "Robin! Get more Pizza!" "But Raven-" I face him. "NOW!!!" "Yes Raven!"

Iris POV

I park my car. "Alright time for some pizza!" I get out the car and I walk inside. "How can I help you today miss?" "Ordered 5 pepperoni pizzas and two sodas." She looks back. "Alright I'll be right back with your food." "Cool. Also here's a little extra." I put in a extra 20. "Keep the change." "Thank you very much miss. I'll be right back."

I wait for my food to come by and I hear the door open. "I need to hurry up!" I then felt this guy bump into me. "Watch it pal!" He turns around and I saw a familiar face. One without his mask on.

"Well well well! Look at who we have here." I say and he opens his eyes in shock. "Dick Grayson. Or should I say..." I move closer to him. "Robin." "You!" I smirk and I put a finger up. "No no no, you better pick your fights now. Unless you want to go back on the hospital bed." "What are you doing here?!" I shrug. "Living. Breathing. Ordering pizza." I push past him.

"So tell me how's the team? The green ones dead right? If not and he doesn't look like he'll make it." I smile. "I can help put him out of his misery." "Enough!" He yells and now all eyes are on us. "Easy Tiger. Killing you is the furthest thing on my mind." "Excuse me miss? I have your pizza."

I turn around and I pick up all five boxes of pizza with one hand. "I'll be back for the sodas." "Thank you and have a nice day!" I look back at the boy wonder. "Just remember when to quit battles. Try and take me..." I lick my lips with a sinister smile. "I'll make you scream for mercy like a little..." I spit in his face. "Bitch." I walk past him. "See you never, little bird."

Robin POV

"Tch!" I watch her go and I'm powerless to stop her. She tells me I can't stop her in general... and she's right. I don't have the power to bring her in. No matter how much I want to I can't. "Sir how can I help you today?" I sigh and I look at the cashier. "I ordered 20 pizzas." Her eyes widen. "Must be a big party." "You have no idea." I wipe the spit off my face.

"One of these days." I say. "One of these days I'm gonna make you pay for what you did to my friends."

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