Chapter 4: Cutting

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Daya POV

It's been a few hours since Iris passed out from yelling at herself so I helped carried her to her room. And I've been left sitting on the couch about what I've done. I look down at my hands and I see hem covered in blood. I shake my head and then my hands look normal. "Is this... my future?" Did taking a life make me into this? Will I become someone like- "Fuck a duck in its tit!" "Iris?"

I get up from the couch and I knock on the door. "Iris are you ok?" No response. I knock on the door again. "Iris?" Nothing but silence so I check the door nob and it's unlock still. "Iris are you... not in bed." She's not in bed and her bed looks like mess and her bathroom door is open. "Iris what's going- my god!" I was left horrified by what I saw.

Raven POV

We still had to stay in the hospital because Robin was but in critical condition because of that girl. I sit on the roof as I look at the mask of that girl that I took away from her. "Don't worry, you'll see me again and when you do. You'll watch me paint this city red." Her words still going on in my head on repeat. "That girl only cares about killing and killing abusive parents." I say as I look at the mask still. "That girl has been through a lot. She must be if she wants to kill all these people." I look up at the blue sky. "Can she even be saved?"

Daya POV

I stare in horror as I see blood everywhere. "Holy fuck..." I cover my mouth and then I see Iris on the ground as she laughs. "I told you not stay. It's your fault I'm like this." She says as she laughs but doesn't look at me. "But it's also my fault because I hit you. I hit a kid and that makes me angry."

She pulls up a knife covered in her blood. "Since your 17 I decided to cut myself 17 times!" She laughs. "But then realize that's not enough! So I stabbed myself 17 times as well!" I slowly walk over to her and I crouch down. "But then I thought about Sarah, and she's only 7 years old. So I decided I needed to cut and stab myself 7 times as well!"

She lifts her head and looks at me. I look at her face covered in blood and a massive creep grin on her face. "The pain is fucking painful! But it's so much fun! Hahahahaha!" "Iris no!" I yell for her to stop and she continues to laugh but then her body falls to the ground as she continues to laugh before it stopped. "Iris!" I shake her body and she won't even move at all. "Iris wake up! IRIS!!!"

I pulled out my phone and I called for help and they said they would arrive in 5 minutes. "Please Iris I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry!" I move my head towards hers. "I didn't want it to be like this! I just didn't want to see you hurt anymore and look at what I've done!" I cry. "Iris please don't die..."

Later That Night

It's been hours since me and my sister have stayed at the hospital waiting for Iris recovery. "Iris I'm worried. Did we make her hate us?" I keep my hands in my face. "No." I remove my hands from my face and wipe the tears away. "It's just there's something that she has that make her... her." "She's crazy?" I shake my head as I hold her. "She's more then just crazy. But let's not talk about it anymore ok?" "Ok." I hold her and I kiss the top of her head.

Raven POV

I sit in the room Robin is in and I mediate for some time until I felt something. "Hm?" Call it a bad feeling because that's what it was. "Where are you going?" Beast Boy says to me. "I just have a bad feeling. I'm gonna go look around." I open the door and he follows me. "Just incase something does happen, I'll be there to save you form danger!" I roll my eyes. "My hero..."

Cyborg and Starfire stayed and watch over Robin Incase someone came in trying to kill him. "So who do think that girl was?" He asks me and I continue to walk. "Someone with a dark and messed up past." "Do you know her?" I shake my head. "No. It's just She had the look of broken girl."

I then stop at this one room that makes it look suspicious. "Hmmm." "This one?" "Could be." I knock on the door just Incase I'm over exaggerating. We wait for a response or for the door to open and no one came. "Alright lets go in!" "Wait don't!" Beast Boy opens the door and rushes in. "Idiot."

I then see two girls on a couch asleep as they both hold each other. One looked like a teenager and the other was 7 or 8. "Um Raven..." I look at him but then I saw something I wish I didn't. This girl in the bed looks so messed up. Her arms and legs and her body covered in cuts slashes. "My god..." "What happened to her?" I walk over to the bed and I look at her. She looks... familiar... "Something wrong?" He says and I continue to look at the girl. "She just looks familiar."

"Excuse me." We turn back to the doctors. "Sorry but we have to get her to medical so if you don't mind." We move out of the way and we let hem take her. "Whatever happened to her they'll most likely not get away with this." "Or." He looks at me. "That girl is the one responsible for Robin's condition."

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