Chapter 18: When I Get Out Of Here And I will...

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Raven POV

"Let me go!" "Don't touch her you assholes!" They all fight back. "Mom!" Daya breaks free and she runs over to Iris sleeping body. "Mom wake up! Wake up!" She starts to cry. "I'm sorry..." she looks up at me. She grits her teeth. "You did this! You ruined everything!" "I... I'm sorry." She looks even more pissed. "Fuck you!" She gets up only to be taken down. "Get the fuck off me!" "Daya!"

I had to watch all of them get taken away and Robin putting the final restraints on Iris. This doesn't feel right. Seeing her like this. "Raven." I look down to look at Boy Wonder. "Told ya, trust us." I look up as I see Daya bang on the window trying to get out and Heather holding her back. I mange to see little Sarah in another car looking out the window seeing Iris being arrested.

"Yeah. But at what cost?"

The Next Day

Daya POV

"Talk." "..." "Look I said talk. Your friend and sister already told me everything." I laugh a little. He really thinks any of us would just turn her in like that. "I know she's not your real mother." "More of a mother than anyone else could have."

She's not perfect. But at least she was starting to change a little. But after last night, she'll never be the same again. "Quit wasting my time and just send me back." He sigh's. "A family will be by to pick you up."

I look at him. "Excuse me?" He continues to write. "A new family will be by to take you in." He looks up at me. "And only you." I felt my heart break. "You can't do that! What about my sister!? I can't leave her alone!" I slam the table. "She needs me! And I need her!" "We already sent her to her new family."

After those words left his mouth I sat down. "You mother fuckers." I form a fist in my hand. "How could you do something like that? How?!" He says nothing my but he stands up. "I hope you can enjoy your new life. Have a nice day Daya." He starts to leave. "Get back here! Where is my sister?! Where is my girlfriend?! My mom!" He walks out the door. "GET BACK HERE!!!"


Raven POV

"This is not a good idea! You are only adding more fuel to the fire!" "Relax Raven. Her powers gone and they be back for another few hours." That doesn't matter. When she sees us, sees him! She's gonna go insane.

"Bring out her." The guards look scared. I don't blame them. They both leave to get her. I look down at my stomach which has a small bump on it. "..." I put my hand on my stomach. Maybe I keep it. The door opens again. As I hear the footsteps I felt my entire body shiver in fear.

When she walks in she has a straight face and her body is wrapped so she can't move her arms. She did down in the chair and the guards have their guns aimed on her.

"I hoe you know your days are over." Robin says to her. "...." "You will live the rest of your life in here with no chance of getting out." She stays silent still. "You got nothing to say? I thought you liked to talk." Robin please don't push it. Iris closes her eyes and she sighs. "If you got nothing to say then just-"

 "If you got nothing to say then just-"

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The room was silent. Robin stopped talking and guards shake in fear. "You all think this will hold me. Stop me. Keep me here forever." She keeps that grin on her face. Showing her now very sharp teeth. But how? Her powers are gone for another few hours.

"Where are my girls? I would like to know." "They were taken away." I said to her. "After you out cold, the police came and took them away." "And where are they now?" I didn't want to say. If I did then she really will lose her mind. "They are being sent to new and better families to live in." Robin!

She keeps her head head with that grin. "You separated Daya and Sarah didn't you?" "Yes." Her head slowly starts to move up. Her hair covering her eyes still but she still smiles evilly at us. "You have no idea what you done. What you did is unforgivable."

"Spare me the talk! Your in here because you killed thousands of people! So don't sit there and tell me what I did is unforgivable." She licks her lips. "Hmm." She opens her mouth only to bite down on her tongue. "!!!" Blood now all over the table.

"You freaks are what's wrong in this world. All of you. You think your saving lives, making the world a better place. That super freak, the bat freak, the wonder whore, the robot, all of you are what's wrong in this world." She goes on and her smile goes away. "Where were you when I needed help? Where were you when I needed to saved? Where were you when I asked for help but NOBODY listened to me?! I'll tell you what, NOTHING!! Nobody came to save me!"

She yells at us with so much anger in her voice. "Those kids made me feel like I could be a better person. Maybe I could start over in a new city or country. Away from here. But I was wrong." The chills have never left my body and I could say the same for everyone else in this room.

"It's too late to save me now. Oh we far from that shit. I've murdered, lied, robbed, tortured, raped, kidnapped, double cross people, all my life. You couldn't stop me then." The blood continues to drip from her mouth. "And you sure as hell won't stop me now."

"Take her away." She stands up and gets dragged out. "Oh and one more thing." She turns around to face us. "When I get out of here, and I will..." She licks her lips and her mouth is covered in her own blood. "I'm getting my girls back. And most importantly...." I could see her eyes glow red.

"There will be carnage."

No One POV

Iris lay in a room to herself. The only thing she has is a bed. No window. No roommate. Well she did have one. But she killed her with her bare hands. "The city will be painted red once I get out."


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