Chapter 2: Just A Scratch

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Daya POV

"Is Iris gonna be ok?" I pat my sister on the head. "She'll be ok sis, she'll be home with some before you know it." She looks down at her paper and she grips it. "Sis, do we have to go?" "What do you mean?" She looks up at me. "Do we have to leave Iris? I want to stay here with her." I sigh and I pull her into a hug. "I want to stay to, but we can't change her mind." "But I don't want to leave her!" I know how she feels and I don't want to leave her as well. She's gonna get herself hurt one of hers days or maybe... I shake my head at the thought and I hold my little sister. "She'll be home. I'm sure of it."

Then the door bangs open and we turn to see Iris with food in her hands and... "What the hell?!" Her face is covered in blood and her clothes are ripped and her arms and legs are bleeding as well. "What happened?!" "Well that is a long story..."

1 hour ago

Iris POV

As the 'Titans' is charged at me, I summoned a shadow gun and aimed at the green boy. He turns into a dog and I shot at his leg and he turned back into his human form. "The dog goes woof. But the gun goes..." I move to the left and I move my arm back and shot the cyborg in the chest as he tried to attack me. "Bang." I'm then hit in my legs and I fall as I look back to see the boy wonder still fighting. "You little bitch." I stand up and I kick him in the face knocking him back down. "WHO SAYS YOU CAN TOUCH ME?!?!" I stomp on his chest and he coughs out some blood. (Punish them... kill them... don't play with your food and kill them all!)

I bring out my knife again and I stab him in leg and he screams in pain. "Get away from him!" "Shut your damn mouth!" I turn my head to see the orange girl fire a green blast at me and I aim one hand at her. "Die!" I fire a shadow blast that swallows her attack and makes contact with her making her scream in pain. As she falls to the ground I'm then hit by something hard and I'm launched about 10 feet away. "Who the fuck dares?!" I open my eyes and I realize I don't have my mask. "Looking for this?" I turn my head and the girl in purple has my mask.

"You know I was having a great night until you showed up." I stand up to my feet but then I'm blasted away and into a car. "You orange skin little bitch!"  Not so bad until the car explode and it hurt like hell. (Shit I just remember that I have to buy food for the girls tonight! Ugh!) I turn into a dark mist and I disappear into the night and to make sure they don't follow me I left a little something special for all of them. "At times like his you really to go out with a..." I look back and I'm 15 feet away from them and they see me. "Titans don't let her escape!" "BOOM!!!" I yell and a black mix purple explosion surrounded all of them. It's not enough to kill them except for Robin maybe but the next time we meet. I'm gonna enjoy making them my bitches.

"Not so fast!" "Eh?" I look back to see the girl in purple again. "What's your name?" I ask her. "None of your concern." I smirk a little. "Don't worry, you'll see me again and when you do. You'll watch me paint this city red." I aim one hand at the ground and sent off another explosive blast.

Raven POV

I'm blasted away as the girl escapes for good this time. My body finally gives in to the pains and I can't stand up. I look back at the others and Robin had it the worst out of all of us. "Robin- Ngh!" Starfire try's to get to him but falls as her legs are hurt bad. That had the look of crazy killer. But I... find her interesting. I shake my head at the thought. She's just another villain and that's that. Right. Ow I need to help out the others.

I look back at Robin and he's losing a lot of blood and he looks really bad. "Robin..." "Let's... go..." He tells us before passing out. "Come on Team! We gotta get him to a hospital!" I try to help out as well I use the little power I had left and got all of us to a hospital so they can treat our wounds. But to that girl, this isn't over.

Daya POV

"And that's what happened. Now dig in." She tells us before she puts the food in the table and she falls to the floor face first. "Iris!" I rush over to her and so does my sister. "I'm fine. Just a scratch." "But your bleeding!" I argued and she just smiled. "Nothing new. It'll heal so let me just go wash up and you two enjoy your food." She try's to stand up but my sister holds on to her. "Please... let us help-" "I DON'T NEED YOUR GODDAMN HELP!!!"

She snaps at us and her eyes are as black as the night and her hands glows. "I said I'll be fine and I will be fine so I don't your goddamn hands on me!" She manages to stand up and she goes to her room. "I expect all your stuff to be packed, so you can go live and forget about me." And with that she closes the door in her room and we're left alone. I hold on to my sister.

"Is she gonna die?" I look at her. "I don't want her to die. I want to stay and help take care of her Daya!" I smile a little and I kiss her forehead. "I don't want to leave her either. And we're not going to." She looks up at me. "But how?" I smile a little. "I have a plan."

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