Chapter 17: Happy Birthday Sarah

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Iris POV

"It's her birthday tomorrow?" "Yes it is, so you have to get her something." I sigh. "Come on, you know how much Sarah loves you." "Even if we aren't blood related. Unless I take some of my blood out-" "No!"

I laugh at Daya's reaction. "Alright tomorrow we'll go out. Do something together like a family would." She smiles. "That sounds nice." Heather then walks in and sits next to Daya. "Alright I got the birthday present, now what are we doing tomorrow?" "Going out together. And that includes you." I say to her. "Really?" "Duh. Your family now aren't you?" She has a shock look on her face and she lowers her head.

"Are you ok-" she moves past Daya and she wraps her arms around me. "Heather..." "Thank you so much! For all you done." She says as she cries. I wrap one arm around her. "There there..."

Raven POV

"Tomorrow?" "Yeah. Tomorrow we are going to take her in." This is not a good idea. Especially with any people around, she will flip and go on a killing spree. "Robin are you sure this will stop her?" Starfire pulls up some tranquilizer darts. Cyborg and Robin made these a special kind. They can stop anyone with powers and they won't be able to use them for 24 hours. It also makes them very sleepy. Enough to put a whole heard of Wildebeest. In just one dart.

"Yes they'll work. We only need one, but if worst comes go worst then we'll use more. Two or three should be the maximum. Anymore would kill her." I hold my stomach which is getting bigger and bigger. To the point they knew I was pregnant but they don't know it's hers. Until Robin made me spill.

"I don't know about this." I say to them. "It's just not safe. I think we should rethink this." It's the only way to keep everyone safe, Daya and Sarah safe, and Iris from being locked up.

"Raven this is happing. We need to take this chance now!" I understand he's mad at her. I am to for what she did to us and hundreds of not thousands of people. She has the power to kill us all and she do it without any regret. "Listen Raven I know this is a lot to take in. But trust me, trust us! That we can turn her in."

The Next Day: Sarah's 9th Birthday

Iris POV

"This is gonna make a dent in my wallet." I feel the tears in my eyes seeing all the money I have is gone. "Your best mom!" The little birthday girl hugs my leg. "But I guess it's worth it for my little girl." I pay for a stupidly expensive toy she wants. I spoil her too much.

We all exit the toy store and we head over to the car. (I guess this is nice. No problems whatsoever.) "Yeah I guess it's not so bad." I like speaking out loud. So what? Besides they all think I'm on the phone anyways. (But our plans are still happing tonight.) "You bet your ass they are." I feel my arm get elbowed by Daya. "Language." "Fuck you." Heather laughs a little.

We all get in the car and I set a destination for us to eat dinner. And then we go home. Plus I need to transfer some of my money out because well... birthday girl.

Later That Night

I burp loudly again after the delicious birthday feast we all had. Well me since everyone else are pussies and can't eat anymore. And now it's present time. "Give me! Give me!" "Calm down little girl."

This is... kinda nice. I smile a little seeing Sarah growing up even more. Daya being what teenagers do best and getting pregnant. Dumbass. But she's learning from her mistakes, being a better person than I'll ever be. And the newbie, Heather. She was just like me, abusive family never caring and only beating you for just being different.

"This is awesome!" Heather got her a skateboard and some stuff to protect her, like that gay ass pink helmet. Fucking hate pink. "And now its time for your older sister. Daya, what you get her?" She smiles. "Well I needed some extra money, and with a little help from you Mom I got her what she wanted."

This is what it should be. A family. No hitting or any of that shit. I love each and every one of them. Hard to believe that I was gonna get rid of them. "Your the best sister ever! I love you Daya!" She hugs after Daya got her an i-pad. Fucking expensive.

"And now, for the best gift of all!" Sarah says and the other too are jealous. "That's not fair!" "This is so rigged." I laugh at them and it was a good heart felt laugh.

Sarah sits next to me as I pull out a small box. "I just want to say that you made my life so much better. You and your sister Daya." She looks up at me. "My life was shit but I did find some enjoyment. But it was still shit. Until I had you two. The best day of my life."

Every word I say is true. My true feelings for them. "Sarah I see a smart, beautiful, and talented girl. Growing up to be... well not my little girl anymore." I laugh a little. I open the small box and it's a necklace. With a heart on it. "I want you to keep this with you for all your life. Never give up for anything and for no one." I put my hand on her head, seeing her little face cry. "Mommy..." "Not your mommy anymore. Just mom." I put the necklace around her neck. "You'll always be my favorite little girl. No one else can change that."

I look at Daya. "And you'll always be my favorite pain in the ass daughter that never listens." She laughs a little wiping her tears. "And Heather you remind me of myself when I was younger. A smart, talented, gifted girl with big dreams. Hell even making me feel like grandma assholes." She chuckles a little wiping a single tear.

I look at down at Sarah with a smile on my face. "Happy Birthday Sarah." She hugs me and I hug her back. "I love you mom! I love you so much!" I smile as I kiss the top of her head. "And I-"

Daya POV

Goddamnit now I'm crying. This not how I wanted it to go! Your supposed to stay strong, now Heather bunks I'm weak. "I love you Daya. You and our unborn child." I smile and I kiss her on the cheek.

I look at mom as she kisses her head. "And I-"

But all that sweet moment came to end. When a dart hits her on the neck. "MOM!!!" She moves her hand up and she pulls it out. "The fuck? Who the hell..." she looks up and I see anger in her eyes. I look back and my heart dropped. "Oh no..."

The Teen Titans showed up. "Titans Go!" "I'm gonna FUCKING KILL YOU ALL!!!"

Iris POV

I stand up but my body feels so weak. I can nearly stand up right. But I refuse to fall and let them take me and my girls away. "Shoot her again!" Another dart hits me on my arm. "You son of a bitch! When I get my hands on you... your... gonna..." I fall to my knees. "Mom/Iris!" No. Stay away! I look to see some pig officers touch my daughters. "Get off me!" Daya fights back and so does Heather. "Let me go! Mom I'm coming!"

My vision is... getting darker and my arms are starting to give. "Get... the hell..." I stand to my feet and I aim one hand at those pigs. "Away form my daughters!" I fire a shadow blast killing all the pig cops that touched my children. "Iris... you have powers." Well I guess she knows now.

I look at that hero freaks. "So help me..." I take a step towards them. "I will skin you alive. Make you scream my name as I fucking shove my goddamn fist thorough your chest!" Some damn drug to knock me out huh? You slippery bastards. Have to rely on a drug to take me in Huh? "Cyborg hit-" "NOO!!!"

I instantly appear in front of the robot and I rip his arms off. "Metal trash!" I punch him so hard it hade a hole in his chest sending him flying. "Cyborg!" I grab the boy wonder by his throat lifting him up in the air. I turn my head to face him. "You are gonna see that stupid kid Jason in hell once I'm done with you!" I squeeze his throat chocking the life out of him.

But then I felt a shape needle in my back. "The hell..." my grip is gone and I feel my body falling back. "You fucking..." I look up to see her. "Bitch..." no I can't. I turn to see my girls being taken away but my vision gets darker and darker. "Don't touch..." their voices get harder and harder to hear. "Don't touch..." my eyes finally closed.

Raven POV

I had to do it. I had no choice. "Mom!" "Let me go asshole!" I look to see Daya, Sarah, and Heather being dragged away from the police. On the ground I see the little necklace Iris got for her. I pick it up and I noticed the heart was half opened. I look inside and it made my heart drop.

It was a picture of all of them together in this little heart shaped necklace and a message that brought a tear to my eye.

"My favorite little artist, I love you Sarah."

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