Chapter 6: Regular Life And Hurting

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Iris POV

I yawn as I boringly try to find something to watch on tv as Daya treats some of my wounds that haven't healed yet. "Hold still." "But I'm bored!" I then hiss in pain as my wounds slowly heal. "Can't believe you fought the Teen Titans. And you act like it was nothing." I smile. "Well the robot was easy. The green animal was a joke. The first boy wonder lasted long enough then Jason Todd ever did. Haven't fought the orange one that much." I smirk as I think about the last one. "And then the lasts one. She was beauty. Her body. Her face. The way she told me to stop as I fucked her."

Daya blushes and looks away. "Oh she was amazing! At least I lost my virginity and I took hers as well. It was so rewarding after all I believe." She then finishes up. "You should be good but please." She holds my hand. "Don't cut again. For my sister. And for me." I let out a happy sigh as I look into her eyes. I kiss her on the cheek like if she was my daughter. "No promises." She smiles. "Figures."

I stand up and I walk over to my room and I go to my bed. "After a long day I deserve some sleep before tomorrow." "Whats tomorrow?" I look back at Daya. "Work. Seems like someone has hired me to kill some dealers that are... let's just say not following the introductions of the job they signed up for." She walks over and she gets into bed with me and soon Sarah does as well. "You have your own beds you know." "But after last night, we don't want to lose you." I smile. "That'll never happen to me. I'll just die of old age and that's it." I tell her and I close my eyes. "Goodnight."

Robin POV

"Ugh... my everything hurts." I open my eyes and I see nothing. Well aside from the tv playing no one is here. "Where did everyone go?" I try to sit up but my body is in so much pain that I don't want to fight it. I lay down again and I look to see the door about to open. I figured it was my team and I smile knowing it's them... until my smile went away and saw Starfire with tears in her eyes.

"Star?" Her eyes are filled with hurt, anger, pain. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Robin!" She cries more. "Starfire what's wrong? Where are the others?" She cries some more. "Cyborg, Beast Boy, Raven..." She says there names with a broken voice. "Cyborg was hurt. Beast Boy is in even worse condition then you are. And Raven she is..." she looks away. "Star? Is Raven ok?" "I don't know what happened to her but when I looked for her she was on the roof and she was crying. But she also had blood coming out fo her bottom with some white liquid mixed in it."

It's like time had just stop when she told what happened to Raven. "She was raped." I say. "Robin she was what?" "She was raped... by who?" I say as I turn my head to hers. "I don't know. She won't say anything. And Beast Boy won't even wake up!" She yells at me. "I just sat here feeling helpless. Unhelpful. I don't like this. All because of that one girl from that night!" I make a fist with an angry look. "Dammit!"

Daya POV

I sit on the couch as I look over my homework until I get a text from Iris.

Iris: Won't be home until tomorrow. There's food in the fridge so try not to burn the house down and take your sister to school. And no boys. Or girls. Either way no one comes over.

I roll my eyes at the end of her little text. I don't really have any friends and I never did in high school. It doesn't really bother me that much since I now have someone who actually cares about me and my sister. The people you meet in high school will just forget about you. You may think that after that you'll be best friends forever but no. You won't have time for each other, you'll be too busy with college or work and the same can be said for them as well.

"Hey Daya!" My sister jumps on the couch with me. "When is step mom coming home?" I look at her confused. "Step mom? Why that all of a sudden?" She smiles like child which she is. "Well that's what she is to us right? She takes care of us and she loves us like a mom actually should." I was gonna argue but I can't change her mind. "She won't be home until tomorrow. So I'll be taking you to school but your gonna have to wake up earlier." She pouts when she has to wake up. "I know, I hate mornings too."

Starfire POV

I walk into the room that Raven is in. "Raven?" She doesn't even look at me as she sit on the bed with her arms wrapped around her legs. "Raven are you okay?" She doesn't say anything and she doesn't even want to move. I sit on her bed and I move my hand towards her. "Raven please..." I put my hand on her shoulder and she tenses up and slaps my hand away. "Don't touch me!" She faces me with anger but then she looks shocked to see me. "Raven? I'm sorry I touched you but you wouldn't look at me."

She turns away from me. "Leave me be. I want to be alone." "But Raven-" "I SAID GO!!!" Her eyes glow white and I back off the bed. "I'm sorry to disturb you. Just so you know Beast Boy is alive and so if Cyborg. Robin also just woke up not to long ago." And with that I leave so she can be by herself. But I look through the window and I see her cry. "Raven..."

Raven POV

I feel like shit. I feel violated. I cry as I'm forced to remember what happened last night. That girl did this to all of us. She... she... just thinking about to makes me want to cry and I hate crying like this. I hate it and I hate they have to see me like this. I look out the window and look at the sky. She gets walk around free and without a care in the world after what she did. And I want nothing more then to get her and lock her up for good. But then I want more then that. I will find her and when I do she will pay.

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