CHAPTER 3: Hallowed Halls

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Darkness. The lights have all gone out in the ship. Men yell about power troubles, men yell about canon blasts, uncertainty is everywhere. Nobody really seems to know what is happening. In a moment the emergency power kicks in and the halls are dimly lit by the neon emergency lights.

A clone yells, "It's the enemy! We've been hit, they've attacked!"

Another replies, "What enemy? There are no Seperatist forces in this system!"

"It must be a generator malfunction, perhaps it was an asteroid."

The speculation is eliminated as the hallway speakers turn on and a voice cries out desperately:

"StarDestroyer Valious, this is General Obi-Wan Kenobi."

All the yelling is hushed.

"We have been attacked by a foreign battleship. The emergency power is in work but we have little time. The enemy is boarding the Valious, prepare battlestations! Repeat, enemy boarding, prepare all battlestations! We are at--"

The message is cut off by a clanging. Clamping of boarding craft to the hull of the StarDestroyer Valious.

A brief moment of awe and confusion consumes the duplicate warriors, it feels as if it lasts forever, but is immediately ended by the troops jumping to action. Every soldier runs out of the mess hall to the barracks. Each grabs his helmet and his gun, and all storm into the halls, down towards the source of the echoing. Thousands of footsteps of brothers, desperate to protect each other, dampen the ringing of the heat-cutters on metal.

The clone troopers of Spectrum Squad become silent with their uniforms completed, becoming the intimidating, faceless automatons of legend that they represent. Nine men and their leader, Sergeant Apoc, rush down a corridor towards the clanging in the hull. Twenty feet, stomping out of time so impeccably fast, sliding around the corner and screeching to a halt in front of the rectangular panel forming itself in the wall.

The red-hot metal, melting from the plasma-beams behind it, slowly cools back to it's silverish shade as the beam moves along it's path. The soldiers stand in wait along either side of the hole, silently preparing themselves for whatever enemy appears from the opening. Finally, the rectangular panel is blown off by a single blast of energy. Sergeant Apoc throws up a balled fist, signifying to hold all positions.

A whirring noise starts slowly from the hole. A small smoke-screen rolls out towards the ceiling. The clones raise their DC-15 long blasters at the spot, Sergeant Apoc sporting a shortened DC-15a carbine. Through the smoke, a man-sized droid with a stalk-eye in front appears. The machine begins to speak.

"Identify! Where is The Doctor of Gallifrey?" it asks, pausing for an answer, "You will identify the location of The Doctor or be exterminated!  IDENTIFY!"

Sergeant Apoc steadies his blaster with Mandolorian-precision. The clones all are silent, awaiting for orders.

"Identify! Identify or be EXTERMIMATED!" the machine cries, demanding an answer.

The clones remain still.

"Give 'em hell, Spectrums!" commands Apoc.

All 10 soldiers fire deadly blue bolts directly at the hostile enemy. One by one, each blast hits, damaging only minorly each time. The machine veers backwards as if it is defensive. Then, more of them start to come from the hole in the wall.

"EXTERMINATE!" the leader shrieks. The enemies pile out of the forced-entry way. "Adjust shields to plasma-based weapons!"

"Fall-back, Spectrum Squad! Retreat!" cries Sergeant Apoc.

His men go two separate ways down the corridor away from the terrifying clutches of the swarm of death machines, splitting the squad in two. The hostiles fire laser-beams from one of two appendages on the front side of their identical frames. The whitish-blue light slices into a trooper, disintegrating his body with a bright ignition and leaving only his armor filled with charred remains. SKA-PEW! One down.

"EXTERMINATE!" they scream, continuously. Apoc's half of the squad storm the hall, returning blaster fire occasionally to little avail. An enemy laser penetrates another trooper, leaving dust-filled armor pieces. Two. A hallowed scream escapes his lips before he is silenced forever like his fallen brother.

Trooper Wyssick, heading up the squad, slams into a wall, failing to turn the corner. Another private slips into him, but manages to stay on his feet and keep running, dragging his brother by the arm. Wyssick faulters onto his legs again as the Sergeant zooms past.

"To the bridge, ya' scum-suckin' ninnys! If you wanna make it out alive, keep runnin'!"

The two clones stumbling behind him pick up the pace, but a stray death-beam shrieks into the second soldier's body and drops his empty armor to the floor. Three. His helmet slides down the corridor and trips Trooper Wyssick, slipping once again. A ventilation cover explodes from a laser bolt, leaving holes open in the walls. The blast doors start to shut down the hallway due to all the explosions, trapping the two remaining clones. Seeing no other way out, Apoc flies into the vent shaft and calls his subordinate to follow.

"We must get the the bridge!"

Little does Sergeant Apoc know that the bridge is the last place he needs to be.

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