CHAPTER 7: So It's All Your Fault?

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Obi-Wan Kenobi welds a loose durasteel door into the broken window with his lightsaber, sealing the secondary bridge from the vacuum of space. The artificial gravity is still active inside the bridge, but the atmosphere is still empty and lacking pressure.

The three nav officers that survived the space-walk huddle together by an overheated computer console, trying to warm themselves up from the near instant frostbite of the void. Admiral Yularen stands hunched over another computer, attempting to reinitiate the ships artificial atmosphere.

"Almost got it..." The mustachioed man mumbles, "There, oxygen levels are regulating, air pressure is increasing."

The air slowly returns to the bridge, bringing a sigh of relief to the living members of the crew. Obi-Wan looks around at his comrades, attempting to make out who was missing.

"Alright, everyone, who do we have left?" the Jedi Master asks.

"Attention!" Commander Cody exclaims, "Role call, on the double!"

All the Clone Troopers and Navy Officers line up in attention, rifles held in trail and arms art salute, respectively. Down the line, they announce their names and unit number.

"CT-2797, Crys, sir."

"CT-9293/7, Waxer, sir."

"CT-2645, Boil, sir."

"CT-2663/5, Beck, sir."

"CT-9355/7, Yeller, sir."

"CT-9353, Zeke, sir."

"CT-9665/39, Wooley, sir."

"Captain Briggs, sir."

"Lieutenant Grey, sir."

"Lieutenant Vol, sir."

"We're missing Trooper Tag and Captain Odis, Master Kenobi," Admiral Yularen explains.

"Tag didn't make the jump, sir," Trooper Beck explains, "He was standing in front of me when we breached the window. His head was too close to the edge of the glass..."

He points out the window, and everyone sees the bloody helmet absent of a body, floating freely just outside the Windows. The headless body drifts off into the distance. Obi-Wan bows his head, such a horrible way to die. The whole group is visibly saddened.

"And of Captain Odis?" Obi-Wan asks.

"Jump-pack malfunctioned, sir," Yeller says, "shot him straight towards the bridge at an unsafe speed. When he reached the hull, he hit head first. Mask came right off."

"Let us mourn them for a moment..." Obi-Wan says. The 14 men left all bow their heads in remembrance. The room is silent for a moment, save the hissing of the air vents filling the bridge will oxygen.





The silence is broken by a flash and a screeching howl, whistling in and out as the TARDIS appears before Ghost Company and crew. Everyone snaps to action, blasters raised, lightsaber ignited.

"Hold your fire!" General Kenobi shouts.

"Steady!" Assures Commander Cody.

The TARDIS fully appears in physical form with a THUD. The group stands at the ready, prepared to blast whatever walks out into oblivion. Waxer holds his blaster calmly. Zeke is shaking slightly. Obi-Wan points his saber confidently. Admiral Yularen furrows his brow in contemplation. Anxiety fills the room quicker than the air pressure.

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