Chapter 10

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Michael's POV

      "Why did you have to suggest a talent show? She took that idea and ran with it," Lexi looks at Stella and her friends frantically trying to set it up, making an outline of our "stage" that's just going to be the sand.

      "It's fine. The only person who actually signed up to perform is Lacey. Stella showed me the list when she was trying to convince me to perform, and she was the only one on the it," I tell her.

      "Really?" she seems amused. "What's she doing?"

     "A dance routine," I gesture over to where she's practicing. Not to be mean, but it already looks like a mess. "You should sing Lex. That'd beat her."

      "I'm pretty sure that's the one thing that would loose to her," she admits, looking over at Lacey trying to do some body roll move, but it looks like she just got punched in the stomach. "You should perform. You could rap and everyone would love it."

     "I'm good."

     "Come on, you're an amazing rapper," she tries to get me to cave in. I don't.

      "I'll only perform if you do," when I say that, she bites her lip.

        "I...can't do that. I literally have no talents!" she throws her hands up in the air.

      "You have talents, just none that you could perform onstage," I correct her.

     "The guys should all sing together! That'd be so cool," Lexi suggests. Chance, Brady, Drew, and Sergio are all good singers, but they don't want to perform.

      "And then we could perform our awesome duet with all those runs and high notes that would totally blow them out of the water," I joke, nudging her side.

     "I've never heard you sing," she says seriously.

     "That's the point. I'm a rapper, not a singer or a dancer. Hell, Lacey's dance performance would probably beat mine," I say seriously.

     "The only person Lacey could beat in a dance battle is Andrew Butcher," Lexi laughs. I can't disagree.

     "Dammit!" Stella sees the list that's still practically empty. "Everyone come here."

      "Here we go," Lexi mumbles. Everyone comes in and forms a semi circle in front of her.

        "The only person that signed up is Lacey. Come on guys! If you don't volunteer, then I'll just choose people to perform," no one says anything. "Veronica, can you get me the list we prepared just in case this would happen?" Veronica quickly scurries away.

       "That girl and her lists. How does she have time to make all of them?" Lexi murmurs to herself.

     "I have no idea," it shocks her when I respond, but she smiles. Veronica hands Stella the list.

     "Okay, so Joyce and Carolyn, you two will be performing together. Kendall, you'll be going on, without Anya. Gavin, you're performing. Sariah, you'll be performing. Dorian, you're also going on. Hailey and Lindsay are up together. Jay and Miles are performing together. Mikey, Marcus, Jaden, and Cam are performing together. Brady, Chance, Drew, Sergio, and Michael are all going on together. Finally, there's going to be a trio act of Andrew Butcher, Cameron, and Lexi," it's not the fact that I have to perform that bugs me, but the fact that Lexi has to be with those two again.

     "This has to be a joke," Lexi groans to herself.

      "It's not a joke, babe, it's your dream coming true, being able to work with the gun show," Cameron comes up from behind her. I glare at him.

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