Chapter 16

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Michael's POV

     It's a never ending maze, each tree leading to a series of other trees. It feels like I've been running for hours, fatigue in my legs and a shortness of breath taking over me. At this point, I can't even remember what I'm running to or from. All I know is that I need to go, quick.

    "Come on Michael. Think, think, think," I know there's something important happening. I just can't remember what.

     In the distance, I hear footsteps behind me. They're far enough away, but they just fuel me to run faster. It's at that moment when I remember exactly who I'm trying to find.

     "Lexi! Lexi!" I scream at the top of my lungs, but there is no reply. I try again and again, but each time, there's no call back.

     "She's gone," a harsh voice snaps, freezing me where I am. "You couldn't save her, just like you nor the rest of the guys could save me." I turn to see Danielle standing there, blank faced, arms crossed.

     "Danielle," I rush over to go hug her. As soon as I get in range, she pushes me away.

     "You didn't try hard enough, Michael," she cracks her knuckles slowly.


      "You could've saved me. You could've saved her. The mafia got her. If you would've just put in some effort, you could have found them. You're a genius at this game Michael, but you put it to waste. At what cost? The mafia are still running around recklessly. Lexi is dead. If you would have actually tried, she'd be right next to you right now," she starts to get worked up at the end.

     "No Lexi's not dead. I'm with her all the time," tears start to prickle in my eyes.

     "You're obviously not with her right now," Danielle pulls a knife out of her pocket, twirling it around in her hand.

     "That's impossible," this can't be happening.

      "But it is. You could've prevented this. You could have saved me, and her, and Marcus, and all of those other people who died in that plane crash. It's your fault Michael," as she says that, I close my eyes. As soon as I open them, all 21 people who have died so far are standing behind her, and right next to her is Lexi.

     "Lexi," my voice cracks mid name. She shakes her head.

     "I loved you Michael. I trusted that you would protect me. But look what didn't happen! You let me die! And now, it's your turn," she rips the knife out of Danielle's grip, slits her ring finger with it on purpose, and starts to walk towards me.

     "Lexi, please..."

     "No Michael! You let me die! Now, it's time to return the favor," she reaches out slowly for my hand. I let her take it. Suddenly, she stabs the knife through the palm of my hand. I scream out in pain. Lukas collapses to the ground behind her.

     "Stop, please," I beg as as digs the knife deeper into my hand.

     "But isn't this what you wanted. You said you'd prefer to not live at all than live in a world without me. I'm making your wish come true, babe," she pulls the knife out of my hand before lodging it into my arm. This time, another person falls down.

     "Stop it. Each time you stab me, you kill one of them," I try to pull the knife out of me, but she doesn't budge.

     "It's not my fault," she tells me with an innocent look on her face, in those hazel eyes I adore more than anything.

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