Whats love?

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Love is one of the major influences of various risk factors many have even come to call it the strongest drug of all in fact it's been proven in many studies that love is the number one addiction.Its as simple as people just don't want to be alone,people want attention and everyone just wants to be loved.

There are many definitions of love for many various factors of it,but love is very simple,and love is lost so often cause we've distorted the definition so much.

1 Corthians 13:4-7 explains love perfectly

*Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres*

I think a lot of times we get lost in between loving another person and loving the feeling of being with someone,the feeling of someone just caring,the goodnight and goodmorning baby or a simple your beautiful,amazing, you're my best friend and I just love you.

The English language is very limiting to love,cause you can love your husband and you can love pizza,but you eat pizza and do other things with your husband.

Us being able to just throw love around the way  we do is the reason love is so degraded,when it's one of the most powerful forces in the universe.

The Christian religion is based on love(Agape)infact many religions are based on love,I'm a product of my parents love,I take away pain by showing love,I love love,I love,you love we all just want to be shown love.

I wanted to know what other people thought about love and so I asked:

Love is sacrifice-Dean Dhlamini

Its  just simply two things,Beautiful and dangerous-Kim makuchete

It's an affectionate emotion seen through expression not explanation.-Luyanda Ntshgasa

Love is a mutual/agreement between two individuals that is connected spiritually powered by emotions to feel an attachment betweem two souls and act as one.-Peace Mthembu

I would think love is an action, where someone is willing to put someone else's needs and insecurities above their own, to simply go an " extra mile " for someone your fond of. -Lee Anne Thobile

I see love as an illusion that can take you to different heights , some which are pleasant and some are unfortunate . And through all of this you need to give in , all of you but only if it's real . Real is instinct , gut feeling , make your knees weak type . The type that gets you craving for their presence . -Ofentse modimoeng

Love is an unending connection between two people that can never break-Ssima

"Love is the ultimate value of care." - Mohlaka Selepa

Love is everything and anything you want it to be. For instance, For some people love is an action and for others it's inaction. Love is not easy and it can only be anything and everything you want it to be if you allow it to. It is the pivotal factor for happiness and euphoria in all species. If you are blessed enough to have love be everything and anything you want it to be then be grateful-Ayanda Sithole

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