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Look up,fix your crooked smile and lift your head,your crown is slipping off!

Yes,you four!
Stop laughing,brighten her day and lift her chin,her crown might fall!

In this queendom we all shine,in this queendom we all smile and and in this Queendom all our roller coasters will reach the end.

This is one of the biggest topics in the pageant I did that I will never forget.
Firstly cause it was a turning point for my life,this topic took me to a place of remembering my worth.See I new I was worth it,I didn't realize I was worthy to be queen.

The best revelation came with knowing that I could Queen with other queens,that I had a duty to lift up other girls crowns and let them know that they're not just girls,but they're queens.

If you haven't read 'what am I worth' I suggest you do before you read this chapter.Just look I needed to find that I'm worthy to be a queen,you need to know your worth in general before you can step up for the crown.

Owning your Queenship,is owning you identity.

Identity-Qualties that distinguish a persons condition of being oneself unique identify chariteristcs held by no other person.
Individual characteristic

Three steps to owning your queenship.
1.Know what you are made of not what you are.
A lot of people start mistaking who they are and what they are like.You'll ask someone to describe themselves and they'll start saying,"Im a a daughter,I'm a sister,I'm scholaer,Im a worker,I'm a colgue,I'm a mom,Ima an aunt."and so on...
You'd be expected to describe you,identify your identity.

Take a moment and write down your identity.Yes right now get a pen and paper and make a list of characteristics you have that set you apart.If you don't have paper and pen near you go to your notes start writing girl.

I asked a few girls in my school to write down their identities.

Seeing the positive in everything that has discouraged me,despite all that I have been through,I still love like I've never been hurt or broken.
I put a lot of people before myself.
When I choose to be loyal I am loyal hardcore.
Mainly my identity is found in God cause I love that guy."~Sihle Simelane

"Unapologetic,Wonderfully made and man I'm just me really!"~Maureen Karanja

"Loud,crazy,caring,understanding,I don't follow trends"~Palesa

"Bubbly,weird,"~Sithadiwe Mthembu

"Self challenging,growing,enthusiastic,goal driven,hard working and down right bad ass!"~Imani Ndaba

2.know where you come from
When it comes to queenship you have to understand that you come from a king.Now sorry to everyone who isn't Christian,but this is truly the only way I discovered my queenship so you could skip the chapter if you want,but I'm pretty sure it would benefit you to read atleast parts of it.

We need to stop trying to tie our identity to our parents.We come from God and our parents are just vessels.Your parents are like taps and you're the water that flows through.We can't then conclude that you're like that tap.

Which brings me to my next line YOUR BACKGROUND IS NOT ORGIN!Whether the tap you came from is made from Gold or is barely making it and completely falling apart the water that comes out is fresh and they can all be used no matter what they came from.

Imagine God being the reservoir and that then is where we come from, purified and unique so we need to stop trying to compare our identities to secondary sources.

Everything is defined by him,branded by your maker,so stop letting the world take your crown down baby you came from the highest kingdom don't let these commoners leave you.
Stop letting people that didn't name you brand you.

3.Know why you you're created

Since I already touched on this topic,lemme explain it in the most simplest terms.
Nobody was created to exist,but a lot of people exists  cause they were created.
Go on a spiritual journey to know where you're  going cause of where you come from.
You weren't created to be normal.We all need to figure out where we are to be placed and be extraordinary.

For the Christians here's one thing that you should note,There's something abnormal about abnormal Christians cause you don't serve an abnormal God girl.The power within is too great for me to be normal.

Ladies read this aloud right now!I don't care where you are let's get this.


I refuse to shrink back
Hold back
Look back
or turn back
from greatness,
greatness is my calling
I give myself
permission to be great
I demand only the best of life
I want to be in the car
I refuse the pedestrian life
I rise
I break out of the worlds box
I have a gender
I am not my gender
I can do whatever  I set my mind on it's the will of God that I live a life of abundance!

I hope you enjoyed this I'm working on a few short stories as I finish 'Her journal' So when the books done don't run out on me💜💜💜🗣🗣and please do spread the book around it would be great to be number one on the feminist chart🙂🙂😊

Thank you ladies👏🏿👏🏿

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