Redeeming the time

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I was listening to a sermon by Joel Osteen,actually I listen to it often.It talks about how we spend our time.

"Time is one of the most valuable commodities that we have,it's more valuable than money,you can make more money,but you can't make more time."

"Imagine every morning a bank deposited $86 400, into your account,that money was yours to you use however you like the only catch is at the end of the day what you didn't use,you lose that money gets taken out of your account,that would get your attention you'd be focused you'd make sure you took full advantage and that not one penny goes to waste,why it's valuable"

When you know the value of something you won't waste it.You become intentional with it.What Ps Joel Osteen was getting at is that we each receive 86 000 seconds a day.Question is what are you doing with yours?

Living your life knowing that time is precious will help you live a better life let me explain how.

Think of it like this you're riding your roller coaster as per usual,and each day you have a certain goal to reach cause you know you won't have that day again,each day you set a goal that will Intern lead to the greater purpose of your life.

If we lived like this imagine how much easier this roller coaster ride would be.

There's something beautiful about valuing your time.For a long time I struggled with time management I'm sure many can relate,I'd take years to answer messages,finish projects and intern this took a negative turn on my school work.In my case not too much cause I didn't realize the value of time,but more so cause I wanted more than $86 000 to be deposited into my bank account.

I needed to evaluate and reconsider what I was spending my time on,who I was talking to and I needed to check what was taking most of my time.Social media was my culprit I'd set out a plan for the day and in-between each activity I'd watch tv,go on Instagram,YouTube,twitter and chat.Over time I reduced the amount of  time I spent on social media.So I'd take my 'social media breaks' after very two activities and then less and less time was doesn't on social media.

Sacrificing this was hard,but I had to realize that they just weren't worth my time and they were intern just de-valuing my life,they were certain friends that were also just a waste of time.They're are even enemies that are just a waste of time and energy.

With running Inside Out somehow I expected to help everyone,but the reality is not everyone wants your help,not everyone will like you and not everyone is your problem.

When I reshaped the way I spent my day I found myself managing to do much more than just Inside Out and school and not only because I'd reshaped my day,but also because I valued my time much much more.

You could also think of your purpose as an assignement as young girls or anybody in general I'm sure we can relate to such scenarios.You know when your given an assignment that will be due three mondays from the day it was given and you only complete it on the Sunday night before it should be handed in.How many of you know that,that never works and if it happens to work ,how many of us know that if you had used the time you'd been given properly you probably would have recieved better marks.

That's the issue we leave everything in our life assignment till last minute.We 'YOLO' until we're 30.Well lemme wake you up a little it's time for you to realize that you may only live once,but that doesn't mean live a purpose driven life later and it doesn't mean live a reckless life.

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