Chapter 27

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I woke up to a dark room. There was a lantern in front of me that was almost burned out and barely lit up the room. It took me a moment to remember where I was.

I looked down and saw the lump in the blankets where my legs were, and just behind them were another set of legs, and there was warm air hitting the back of my neck. There was a body behind mine snugly pressed against me. Yorwek insisted on sleeping like this after. It wasn't a bad experience, one that I'd almost dreamed of when I was younger.

I remember the face he made just before we went to sleep. He had a contented smile on his face, but behind him, I saw the pink mist of the spring, as the night went on it slowly turned red as if the ancient magic did not agree with what I was doing. I felt bad, but at the same time I didn't really care, it felt, well, I'm not sure how it felt.

He certainly spent a lot of his time kissing me, I'd never seen him kiss the people he brought into his room before.

I sighed and threw the cover off of me. I began to get up, I had to carefully shuffle myself out of the bed so I wouldn't wake Yorwek up. As I did Yorwek rolled over, murmuring about something being nice in his sleep. I laughed a little at the thought. I guess that's what he normally said when he.. Well, I got out the bed and pulled the cover back over the part of him that was exposed. Nothing was really visible because it was so dark, only my silhouette was visible, but if someone opened the door it'd be better to be covered up. I looked around the room for my clothes but it was too dark, I remembered that he kept a robe hanging in the corner of his room, I tried to get myself to it but managed to trip over a few different things before I could, I gave up after I tripped over 3 things, I bent over and picked the third thing up. It was Yorwek's shirt, probably the one that he'd taken off before I'd gotten here. I slipped the shirt on, it covered up everything necessary since it was pretty big on me.

I stood for a minute wondering what I should do. I certainly wasn't going to leave, there was information I still needed and I wasn't heartless enough to just leave Yorwek wondering as to why I ran off. I decided to check the room where he had let out the bird in case it came back. Based on the silhouettes I was able to make my way over to the bare part of the wall, I felt over it until I found the loose pebble and I pulled it out.

I cringed because the doorway opening was a lot louder than I remembered, and white light began pouring into the room. I looked back and Yorwek was still fast asleep. I sighed in relief then set the pebble on the table to my left, and began walking into the narrow hallway.

It felt kind of strange to be in alone, but I was curious and certainly not tired anymore.

I came into the room with the shelves and the two large windows on either side. A small cane had risen in the middle of the room, it seemed logical to assume it was waiting for the bird to return. The bird was no where in the room. Outside the windows I could see it was just past dawn and there was fog all over the ground. I walked to the back of the room and began looking over all the boxes of the guards and soldiers that had enlisted under the emperor. There was a small round table to the right of the shelves and on it was the box that he had taken for Butch. I picked it up and looked at the name written on the front of it. Parce Kinlaa. I never would have guessed.

I looked at the box beside the empty space where Parce's (Or Butch's) box used to be. I wondered if that was Grettle's. I decided it was best to not assume that it was and just leave it be. I set Parce's box back down and began to turn around.

I heard a loud squawk and then a voice. "I was wondering where you ran off to."

I turned around to see Yorwek, he was standing at the other side of the room with a cocky smile, he had put his loose black pants back on and still wasn't wearing a shirt (possibly because I had it). a few feet in front of him was the purple bird perched on the cane.

Passion (Book 1 of "The Fantasy of Life" Series)Where stories live. Discover now