Chapter 50

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We hit the ground hard, hard enough to give me a headache, but it seems I had enough magic to keep us from suffering any real injuries. Cullen sat up, he looked around confused, then instantly began sobbing. Kel started throwing all of her knives at a tree and then started punching it.

"That stupid bitch. It wasn't enought that she killed her mum, she had to kill her too." Kel didn't say any names but it felt obvious who she was talking about.

I started shaking Valen. "Valen. Valen we made it. Valen, wake up."

Kel's head snapped to the side and she looked at me.

A tear rolled down my cheek. "Valen, please." Kel put her hands to Valen's forehead and whispered the elven prayer for healing. A very small amount of pink mist lifted from her hands and soaked into Valen's skin. Nothing changed.

I looked around frantically, looking for a water source, at least 3 feet deep. I saw a small stream, I wasn't sure if it was deep enough. I took a deep breath and carefully laid Valen on the ground, then I stood and walked over to the stream. I took a few deep breaths, trying to muster up some extra energy. I held my hands out and my staff appeared. I instantly felt weak but I kept going. I spun the staff in place and slammed the bottom against the ground.

Sparks flew around the bottom of the staff and jumped up from the ground around, the water began to flow much faster. It lifted and made a small cyclone until it was about 6 feet in the air.

The water fell all at once revealing a water nymph. I fell just as the water did.

"York." I heard the water nymphs voice. "Kaslan." She fell to my side and I looked up at her weakly.

"Hey, Malia-" My voice cracked. "Can you- help Valen?"

Malia looked up at Valen on the ground then looked back down at me. "I'm helping you first." She pulled me up to her and held me close to her. I saw a sprite flying around her, similar to the one that had helped me not long ago. She whispered and I sat straight up. Her magic came in one large wave of energy. She seemed fine but that should've been enough magic to make her pass out.


The sprite laughed and jumped up high. She looked over at it, then held her hand out. The sprite flew over and hovered over her palm. "I, leanred something."

I just stared until she continued.

"I haven't told anyone but, I think the sprites are sources of magic." She swung her hand forward and the sprite began to fly around me. "I've been calling this one Delphine. It's a human name I think, I just think it's pretty. I want you to have it."

I felt a rush of energy and a lot of blue particles washed over me as I became less and less weak.

"This happened the other day but I ignored it. You really think the sprites are magical? Why do the wood nymphs kill them?" I asked

"I don't know yet, just take care of Delphine and heal your friend. I'll check on you later kaslan. I have to go now." She hugged me and then walked back to the stream, falling away into the water.

After Malia was gone, I quickly jumped up and ran to Valen, still lifeless on the ground. I pulled him up in my lap and looked over him frantically to see if anything had changed but he was just as lifeless as before. I sighed, closed my eyes, and kissed his forehead. I heard a loud woosh and I felt a large amount of energy drain from me, but it was instantly replaced with more after Delphine laughed loudly in my ear.

I opened my eyes and watched as the pink mist washed over his skin yet again.

His eyes fluttered open and he looked up to me confused and afraid. Once he noticed it was me he relaxed.

"York, what happened?" He asked, then I saw pain flash in his eyes. "Oh. Right. Did I miss anything?"

I laughed and kinda choked from being so worried. "Where do I even start?"

Passion (Book 1 of "The Fantasy of Life" Series)Where stories live. Discover now