chapter 1:cadet

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“YOU CALL THAT SPEED?!?! I CALL THAT SLEEPING NOW MOVE IT!!!!!!!!!” Screamed one of the officers  as we finally land on the main bases runway. I winced, not because of my super sonic hearing but because she's a keaaiic lu’krin as well so shes very loud. Me and my group just qualified to be cadets for the aerial defence unit after graduating boot camp. We all hurry toward the caves of the mountain base to see where we are going to be staying.

My name is zemika, i am 6 red moons old, im a keaaiic lu’krin and i'm a cadet in the aerial defence unit…. Well… starting today.

As we get inside and walk through a large tunnel we enter a large lobby and i can tell there's a lot of lu’krin here. most of them are Keaaiic lu’krins like me but there's a lot of others like Nixoc,Dnishu, and even icci lu’krins. I walk further in, passing everyone and head for the bunk chart papers on the wall to find out who i will be bunking with. As i get there and ‘look’ at the paper i see im in sector 5, sector 5 is located near neutral territory but neutral territory can be very dangerous because neutral territory is full of dangerous animals,heavy winds, and sector 5 borders our land and uncharted territory and a few solukin cities. I keep reading and see that i'm bunked with a dozen other lu’krin cadets. My squad is cadet squad 1 with the members being me, Namicc, coraline, meekamu, and rono. I don’t recognise their names but I smile realizing i've finally made it to being a cadet, next stop, 1st commanding general!! It's not gonna be easy, i had trouble passing the entrance exam but i'm not gonna quit now!!

As i walk outside towards the runways while putting the paper in one of the pouches on my harness that i'm wearing i hear lu’krins talk about me.

“ why the heck is she here? She blind for pete’s sake, how did she even pass the entrance exam?!” one said while the other responded

“I bet her parents just bribed the officers into letting her here, too bad she’ll just fall behind in training and hit every obstacle. if  she even gets into a batt-” i tune them out, not wanting to hear anything else and continuing onto the runway to fly to sector 5. As the get to the runway i line up in one of the rows of lu’krins ready to take off as well. As i wait for the officer to give the signal i get into a running position, usually most lu’krins can take off with enough power to their jump and wing force but here we are required to take a running start. The officer finishes checking the skies and turns to us yelling: “GO GO GO!!” that was all it took for everyone to run in rows to the end of the runway, opening our wings taking i leap off the cliff and fly to our sector.Most of the lu’krins scatter but some stay together, going in the same direction and such.

Arriving in sector 5 was easy but flying into sector 5’s air space wasn't. The tailwinds were horrible and there were crosswinds everywhere. As i find my balance i hear a scream from behind me and i turn my head and let out an inaudible screech and ‘see’ a lu’krin falling from the sky unable to balance while being tossed and turned by the winds. I immediately turn around and fly as fast as i could towards the lu’krin. Gaining speed quickly i close my wings and nose dive towards the lu’krin cutting through the air like a knife. As i sense the ground getting closer i hear myself emit a high pitch screech as i plummet faster and faster. As i reach the falling lu’krin i grab ‘em and immediately pull up out of the nose dive to climb up towards more open skies. As i get situated i begin to glide, flapping a bit to stay balanced with not only the extra weight but the heavy winds.

After the lu’krin calms down he says thanks

“It's not a problem also my name's Zemika” i say back smiling, but then noticing how rather small he is.

“Oh! My name is meekamu but you can call me meek for short” he said, chuckling nervously at the end. I chuckle slightly as well before realizing that he is one of my squad members.

“Meek, i just realized that you're one of my squad members! It's nice i get to meet you early” i say happy i've found a squad member.

“Cool! Also can you let me go so i can try to fly please?” he asks timidly and i nod and move my arms from around his wings still not fully letting him go so he can glide a bit before i let go and he starts flying beside me.

“Alright!” he yells in triumph happy that he got his bearings, i only chuckle at him as we continue to fly towards sector 5’s base.  

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2018 ⏰

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