Chapter 7: Hybrids

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Colette began to pack as soon as Marcel had gone. It wasn't like she needed to bring much with her and she could always have things sent to her wherever she ended up. Venice, Hong Kong, Istanbul, maybe even Chefchaouen. Though it had been a while since she was in Kyoto or Barcelona. Any of them would do. Whatever had the earliest flight out. All she had to do was go.

A knock on her door startled her as she packed away the last of her paints. The knocking continued. "Alright, alright, already. Just give me a moment." She pulled open the door, finding two men in the running to be Daylighters, Reuben and Elliot, at the door. "Gentlemen, what are you doing here?"

"Marcel requests your presence at the compound," Elliot told her.

Colette shook her head. "Tell him I decline the invite. If he wants me gone, I need to pack. Tell him I'll be out of the city soon."

"Ms. Claire, it's not a request."


Both men gripped onto either side of her arms hard enough she was sure they were trying to leave bruises. And while she could have escaped their hold any time she wanted, a part of her was curious to see what Marcel wanted. Another part of her just wanted to snap his neck and leave. He wanted her gone and she was doing it. What more could he want from her?

She saw the back of his head, talking to someone. "Marcel!"

He turned around. "Colette. Boys let her go."

Reuben and Elliot let go of her arms. She rubbed them for a moment. "Marcel, I thought you wanted me gone."

"Given our recent spats, I figured it would be better if you didn't leave when we were on such terrible terms."

She shook her head. "I know you better than that. You want something. If I get man-handled one more time though..."

"Now, now, no need to be murderous." He broke out in a smile. "Your buddies need your help finding Hayley. Would you mind doing a locator spell?" Marcel motioned behind him. Klaus and Elijah sat there, shocked at who he had dragged in.

"Colette..." Elijah questioned. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, thank you. What's going on? Where's Hayley?"

"That's why I brought you here," Marcel told her. "Their friend has gone missing, one I'm sure you've met, and there is no witch I trust more to find her. You know New Orleans like the back of your hand."

Klaus laughed. "Colette's a witch? Nonsense."

Colette closed her eyes, thinking about Rebekah, as she silently murmured, "Mutare seu rosto." She opened her eyes once more. She tossed the much blonder hair she now had back behind her shoulder as the Mikaelsons stood up. Rebekah's voice, now her's, "And what about now, Klaus? Still nonsense?"

With a cup of Klaus' blood and a map, Colette began to work, concentrating on finding Hayley and the baby. She could feel the brothers' eyes boring into her as she worked, watching the map. "Looks like she is in the bayou. Deep in the bayou."

"I don't suppose you could be more precise?" Elijah questioned her.

"What's the matter, Elijah? You're worried a bit of splashing about in the bog might ruin your expensive shoes? Or are you just upset your companion here lied to us?" Klaus accused her.

She shook her head. "Yes, because we've all heard the stories of honesty about Mikaelsons." The trail of blood stopped. "I know where she is. You'll probably want me to take you there."

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