Chapter 12: Sacrifice

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Davina had gone through a number of sketchbooks in the months she was tucked away in the attic. Colette was constantly looking through them now. Elijah and Hayley had tried to help her through everything with Klaus and Rebekah going to Virginia and Marcel grieving on his own. He had barely spoken to her since it happened. She stopped on one the pages, a drawing made of the tiny garden next door to the church.

The door to the bedroom burst open, Klaus walking in. Colette jumped off the bed. "Klaus, wh-"

His arm reached around her to her back, guiding her out of the room. A wave of dark energy hit her like a tidal wave and pulled her attention down to the courtyard where Klaus was leading her. Two Daylighters laid out on the ground, their bodies grey with desiccation. Whatever it was that killed them was old, dark, powerful magic. She dug her heels in at the bottom of the steps, not wanting to go closer, but Klaus took her arm and dragged her forward. He reminded her, "You promised me you would take Davina's place."

"She's dead," she told him. "Why should I?"

"A promise is a promise," he replied, stopping her right in front of the bodies. "You're like Elijah, you don't break your promises. Now tell me what you know about this?"

Colette looked around from Elijah to Diego and the other Daylighters that crowded around the bodies of the fallen. She bent down next to them. A symbol had been carved into their foreheads. "This symbol is used in sacrificial magic for channeling. I've seen this symbol before when I was researching the local history. Papa Tunde, right? Someone is trying to replicate his spell?"

"Someone will die for this," Klaus murmured.

Elijah nodded. "Remarkably, I don't disagree. However, I would like to know where they learned such dark magic. I had hoped never to see that symbol again."

"I recall it is the signature of a fool who once stood against us. Clearly, some upstart witch is salvaging old tricks. I'll do for him as I did the other," Klaus replied. Colette heard that part of the story from Marcel. Papa Tunde had twin sons he channeled magic from that Klaus beheaded before he killed the witch. Diego stood up as Klaus went to him. "Diego, when night falls, I want you to gather every vampire in the Quarter. Get me the head of whoever did this and put it on a stick."

"Yeah. That's gonna be a problem," said Diego, making Klaus' face drop. "Everyone is freaked out, man. We haven't had witches killing vampires in a long time. Marcel and Colette made sure of that."

"Marcel has run off like a scared child. You lot are left with me. Now, who of you will fight to defend our home?" Klaus asked. He waited several moments for anyone to step forward. None did. "Not a single one of you will stand with me, so afraid are you of this new threat? You should know better. I'll handle this myself."

He stormed off, leaving everyone quiet. Colette stood back up from where she was kneeling and turned to the group. "I know you all are frightened at the idea of a witch killing vampires. Until the threat is neutralized, don't go outside the compound unless necessary and always bring someone with you. Diego, call the bar and tell the Nightwalkers what the plan is. And I suggest, for future reference, picking your battles with Klaus with caution. If any of you need me, you know where to find me." She retreated back to Davina's room in the hopes that she wouldn't be disturbed again.


Colette jumped despite herself, finding Hayley standing in the doorway.

She gave her a small smile. "Hey yourself." She went back to looking through Davina's drawings once more. She was sure she could find something related to this Papa Tunde if she just tried hard enough. The only thing she could find related to him was possibly Celeste.

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