Chapter 13: Lunatic

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Colette listened to Father Kieran as he stood at the altar. It had been years since she had come to the church for a service and then it had been on a regular basis. She had fond memories of Father Washington, who always gave spirited sermons. "Thank you all for coming. It means more than I can tell you. We gather today for the first public service of our newly reopened church. St. Anne's can finally once again be the heart of our community, where we can congregate as a people united. Here, this hour, we come together to praise God and give thanks. The events that took place at our church were tragic."

Klaus whispered to Marcel, breaking her concentration. "Problem?"

"No," Marcel replied.

"Hush," Colette told them. "Show some respect for once in your lives, both of you."

Both men raised eyebrows at her as she returned her attention back to Father Kieran. She was probably going to pay for that later. At least, she felt fine about that until she felt a wave of power flow through the room. Colette sat up a little straighter. Kieran continued, "... and it is that hope in our hearts, and with the help of many benefactors, that allows us to be here today. So we gather with renewed spirit, made stronger, committed to the ideals of peace and love. Amen."


They filed out of the church along with the rest of those who attended Mass, going to greet Kieran. Colette went to him first as she gave him a kiss on the cheek. "It was a beautiful sermon, Father. A wonderful start to a new chapter for the church."

"I agree," Klaus said as he and Marcel joined them. "Quite inspirational."

"I wasn't expecting you to join us," he replied.

"Oh, we were hoping for some word from your human sources on the recent Haitian invasion," Klaus told him.

Kieran went from all smiles to business. "My guys have their ears on the ground and no one has seen or heard any sign of whatever his name is."

"He is called Papa Tunde," Marcel told him. "And right now he's wandering in the Quarter with the power he absorbed from every soul I had buried in the Garden, so you might wanna put your ear a little closer to the ground."

Colette sighed as Kieran countered, "Or I could steer clear of whatever war is brewing between your kind and his, before I find myself–"

It was Cami to the rescue, though by the tone in her voice even Colette wouldn't want to get in her way at that moment. Colette had been trying to talk with her more often now that she knew what was going on in the Quarter, teaching her what she could. She shook her uncle's hand. "I wanted to congratulate you on getting the church up running. I can see this is a bad time. Nice to see you, Marcel."

As quickly as she appeared, she gone again. Kieran called out to her before he gave Klaus the eye. "Well, don't look at me. I tried to send her away-" Klaus told him as his cell phone rang. He answered, "Yes, Diego, what do you have for me? - Would you care to elaborate?"

Colette cocked her head to the side as Klaus ended the call. "What's wrong?"

"We need to go," he answered, motioning for her and Marcel to follow. "Let's go."

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She and Elijah bent over Papa Tunde's body, examining various aspects of his suit and the enchantment around his body. Klaus and Marcel stood above them, Klaus commenting, "Can I get you anything, brother? A magnifying glass, a pipe perhaps?"

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