Chapter 18: The Rebellion Rises

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She wanted more than anything to whack her head against the table as she slammed another grimoire closed. Nothing in her grimoires, or any she could get her hands on, was helping her find a solution to Kieran's hex. With him getting worse with each passing day, she felt like she was losing hope.

"Need any of my help, love?"

Colette groaned as Klaus appeared across her kitchen table. She pushed her empty cup of peppermint tea at him. "You could pour me another cup." She pointed at the electric kettle on the counter.

"What's got you so riled up?" he asked.

She sighed. "You mean besides this impending war? Not much, just getting the perfect gift for Fête des Bénédictions, trying to get Marcel to answer my damn calls, and cure Kieran of his hex to avoid having Francesca Guerrera become the head of the human faction."

"Cami came to me about that last one," Klaus said as he handed her the tea. "I told her there was nothing anyone could do. Though I guess the sole survivor of Kol's sire line could do the impossible."

"Elijah told you then?"

"I want to know how you did it."

She smiled. "Wouldn't you just."

"You know how much I love you keeping secrets," he told her, leaning back into the chair.

Colette crossed her arms and leaned back into hers. "Oh, like your meeting with Jackson? I have ears too, Klaus. I know you're looking for that wolf Elijah and I met from your birth father's pack."

He smirked. "So, any luck on fixing the good Father?"

She shook her head. "No, and my only idea is something that would make Kieran wish he was dead anyway, so I'm not even going to suggest it. Plus, it could make his whole situation worse."

"What is it?"

Before she could answer, the doorbell rang. "That must be the present. I guess I'll see you at the feast then?"

"Of course," he replied before he was left.

This was the second hardest decision she had to make all day: picking out the dress she was going to wear to tonight's festivities. It was nothing compared to telling Kieran and Cami about what her research had found and the only solution she had for it. So why couldn't picking out which dress she wanted wear be any easier?

A book slammed down between the two choices laid out on her bed and Colette jumped back, right into Klaus. She turned around with a hand on her chest. "Why do you and Elijah like sneaking in here?"

"To see if you're paying any attention to your surroundings. You never know what you could be inviting into your home," he said.

"Apparently a pair of brothers with no sense of boundaries," she said as picked up the heavy book from her bed. "What's this?"

"My mother's grimoire," he replied to her wide-eyed stare. "I thought you could see if she might have an answer to your Kieran problem."

"Klaus, I-" Colette was stunned. She ran her hand over the cover. This was one of the most well-known grimoires in history given Esther had created vampires in the first place and that was only one of the many powerful spells she created over her life. "Are you sure about this? I know what this means to your family."

Klaus gave her a soft smile. "You questioning me is exactly why I'm letting you look through it."

She smirked. "Let me guess, you went to a certain redhead witch first and she was just a little too eager to get her hands on it."

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