Chapter 17: The Serpent Underneath

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It had been a month since she lost everything. Davina was taken by the witches, Marcel was exiled as was Rebekah, Hayley was at the bayou, and Cami was focused on her uncle. All of these people she had grown so fond of were out of her reach more often than not now because of the Mikaelson brothers.

So Colette did what she did best. She painted, played her piano and kept her ear to the ground and her eyes open in every community she could watch. It was her vigilance, that had been her strong suit since childhood, that kept her out of trouble. Only now it had come to bite her.

She stood in front of her easel, painting away a still life of pastel pink flowers and baby's breath when she felt a gentle breeze. Colette took a sip of her wine and started to paint before she greeted. "Elijah."

"Colette," he replied. "You've been avoiding me."

"I've been avoiding a number of people," she told him. "Cause heaven forbid if I even look across the river just in case you or your brother think that I should be exiled with Marcel. Now, what do you want?"

"I need your help. My brother has been ignoring his duties to this city and I intend to rectify that. But I need your help." Elijah plucked her paintbrush from her hand. "I know you haven't locked yourself away up here this last month. You know the factions better than I do."

Colette's head tilted to the side. "Why should I help you or him? You come into town, which I, unfortunately, have to take some responsibility for, and made everything worse. This city is on its way to ruin."

He sighed as she moved to the living room and took her seat. He took the seat on the chair across from her, his eyes boring into hers. "Have you forgotten what it was like to live beneath the threat of violence? We must work together, Colette. Let's make this city whole again."

She chuckled. "That sounds practiced. Did you try that on Klaus before you came to me?"

"Colette, if this city becomes a war zone, then Davina and my niece will be in danger."

She let out a huff. He was right. Davina would no doubt be dragged into the witches' side and would probably be their first choice to let Klaus harm before the others. "You don't think I know that, Elijah? Pretty words from a pretty boy aren't going to sway anyone here. You want to make the city whole? You'll have to start meeting the others halfway and get them to do the same."

He leaned back into his chair. "What would you suggest?"

"We go to Father Kieran, call a meeting for all the factions. We'll see where to go from there."

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Within a couple of hours, a meeting had been set among the factions. Colette stood outside the door to St. Anne's, greeting the heads of the respective factions as they came in. While everything felt cold between all of them she knew they hoped that they would come out on top. She stood there with her arms crossed over her chest. The werewolves had yet to arrive. She tried calling Jackson and Hayley, but neither picked up their phones. In a last-ditch effort, she called Oliver.


"Oliver, this is Colette Claire. I was hoping you knew where Hayley and Jackson are. The meeting is starting."

"What meeting?"

Colette closed her eyes in frustration. Of course. Of course, Elijah neglected to bring the wolves up to speed on the meeting. So much for peace. "Tell Hayley to get to St. Anne's church immediately. We're having a meeting to discuss the future of this city."

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