Chapter Thirteen

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It was weird, he felt weird. So weird. He slipped into his hunter's instincts easily, looking around desperately at his surroundings. The sky was a dark gray, the sun nonexistent, the moon out of sight. He didn't know how the forest was lit. He was in a forest. Right. Why hadn't that occurred to him till now?

There was a clearing, and a lake, and he felt his heartbeat increase. It was familiar, painfully so. The sky, the trees, the ground, were all blanketed in a sheen of gray. "Hey, brother," a gruff voice greeted him, and he turned to the source immediately.
"Benny?" he said, shocked.
"Woah, look at you, man! You're all convex," he made a gesture with his hand.
"Long story," Dean said, "What the fuck is going on, here?" Benny laughed a little.
"Well, man, I've been sent to tell you to, well," he laughed again, "Run". His smile dropped. Dean frowned.
"Run. Get the fuck out," he deadpanned.
"What are you talking about?"
"If you love those children, if you care for them in any way," he said, and Dean nodded, "Then leave. The best thing you can do for them is leave. You are poisonous".

Dean sat up, sweat sheened and shaky. He couldn't breathe evenly, and he could feel tears running down the sides of his face. Both hands flew to his bulging stomach, desperately, and he breathed out slowly. "Dean? What is it, what's wrong?" Gabriel came into the room. He looked concerned. Dean had never seen that look on him.

"I'm okay, just," he took a deep breath again, and sat up in bed, "Bad dream. Just a really bad dream".
"You're okay," Gabriel said. "He was wrong, Dean. I hope you know that," Gabriel assured him, and Dean wondered briefly how he knew about it. He reprimanded himself. He's an archangel.
"Thank you," Dean said, and Gabriel nodded. He was about to leave, but Dean stopped him, "For everything". He smiled a little, and Gabriel returned it.


Castiel looked at his phone, for the fourth time in five minutes. Sam rolled his eyes, from where he was crouched on the grass. He straightened up, and brushed off his jeans. "Quit it, Cas. If he needs us, he'll call, alright?" he tried to reassure him. Cas' brow was drawn together tightly.
"What if he can't? What if he can't get to his phone? What if it's broken?"
"Then he'll pray to you, Cas. Gabriel is there, too. He'll look after Dean," he reminded him, and Castiel nodded.
"Regarding Gabriel," Cas started, and Sam looked away, "I feel that something may have happened between you. I did not want to 'bring it up first', but I see my opportunity now because you have mentioned him".
"I don't know what gives you that idea," Sam said, and looked back at the large oak tree. There was a large amount of blood around the base.
"You have shared his grace," Cas said, and Sam wrinkled his nose.
"That sounds gross. Can we just change the subject?" He still didn't look at him. He spotted a black substance that was between the long blades of grass, and he knelt down to get a better look.

It was thick goo. Ectoplasm. His mind supplied. But there was traces of yellow powder throughout it, and Sam frowned. Sulfur. Cas took a deep breath, and Sam looked up at him. "What?"
"I can feel something. Something is wrong here," he said, and Sam frowned.
"What do you mean?"
"The natural order has been altered," he said. He looked distressed. Sam shook his head.
"You wanna be more specific?" Wind swept around him, making him blink. Cas was gone. "Frigging angels," he muttered, and took out the keys, walking back to the car.


"Cas, it's Sam," he left a message, when his call when straight to voicemail, "Where the hell did you go?" He hung up, and put both hands back on the wheel.
"To Hell," Cas replied, appearing in the front seat. Sam served, jerking the wheel, before straightening out.
"Shit!" he yelled, then tried to calm himself. "You can't just pop up like that! I thought I told you before". Cas didn't say anything. "Did you say you went to Hell?"
"Yes. I needed to talk to Crowley," he explained, and Sam's hands tightened on the wheel.
"What for?"
"The natural order has changed," he repeated, and Sam rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, you said that. Explain it".
"Demons and ghosts are working together. And I felt an angel's grace at the crime scene," he said, and Sam gritted his teeth.
"An angel? An angel is working with a demon? Who's working with a ghost? What kind of telanovela bullshit is this?" Cas frowned, but didn't bother to ask him what he meant. "Which angel?"
"I don't know, but I need to sort it out".

"You mean we do, Cas," he glanced at him briefly. He noted absently that the Camaro didn't run as smoothly as the Impala. "We're working together on this, remember? I'm not letting anything happen to you, especially not now. You've got kids to look out for," he explained, and Cas felt himself relax. 
"Thank you, Sam," he said, sincerely. "That means a lot to me". 
"Yeah, well, whatever," he dismissed, keeping his eyes on the road. "We'll head back to the bunker, fill Dean in, and start figuring it out". 

A/N: Okay


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