Chapter Three

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"Hey guys," Sam greeted as they walked into the war room. He was again, at the table - surrounded by books and notes and scribbles. He was trying to translate an ancient script, written on human skin of all things.

"This is how you spent your Saturday nights, Sammy?" Dean teased.
"Well, one of us has to be the smart one, right?" Sam shot back, immediately, and Dean laughed. "How are the girls?"
"Fine, hungry for pizza," he looked at Castiel, who shook his head. "And we don't know they're girls, Sam".
"Just a theory".

He spotted Cas' book, and laughed. "Really?" He held out his hand, and the angel handed it over.
"Research is important," Cas stated matter of factly, and Sam frowned when he opened the cover.
"Apparently, you're not the only one who thinks so. I've got another theory, Dean. This time about who made it so you could get pregnant," Sam looked up at him, and Dean snatched the book back.

On the inside cover, barely visible unless you knew what you were looking for, someone had written a note.
'Have fun - G'
"Gabriel!" Dean yelled, making Cas frown.
"Dean, do not stress," he rested a hand on his shoulder.

They heard a gust of wind behind them, and turned to see the long - dead archangel. "Mazeltof!" he yelled, and threw confetti at him.
"What the fuck!" Dean glared.
"How did you find us? The sigils -" Sam protested.
"The sigils on your ribs block angels from finding you, but I can find Castiel," he interrupted him, "You know, rogue grace, cosmic archangel powers. And since Cas is a love sick puppy who's always with Dean..." he trailed off. "By the way, Dean, how's motherhood?"
"You little-" he stepped forward, fists ready. Castiel stepped protectively in front of Dean; his instincts to protect his young kicking in.

"Dean," he said, trying to calm him, "Breathe". Gabriel leaned into Dean's sight and waved. The hunter looked away, and exhaled slowly.

Sam took a step towards the Trickster instead. "Hey Moose," he grinned, "Stoked to be an uncle?" Sam punched him, angelic knuckle busters leaving their mark.
"What the fuck was that for?" Gabriel held his face - facade broken.
"That," Sam said calmly, "Was for messing with my brother's body without his permission".

Dean smiled, and looked away.

A/N: Well then I bet nobody saw that coming

Early update because the last one was late

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