Chapter 7 - Poor Felix

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We stood in a circle... well the boys did, and it was only a half circle. Pan and I stood in the middle, he was going to explain the second test.

The test yesterday didn't go as Pan wanted it to, so I didn't pass. But that is not going to slow me down. If I pass the next two tests then I'll be the first lost girl ever. And maybe I'll even feel ready to tell them that I'm not human, and hopefully avoid yet another punishment from Pan. The weird thing is that even though he's been punishing me. I still coudn't help but feeling a little more for him. Maybe it is just a feeling that will go away before tomorrow.

I really wanted the feeling to just disappear, because it would be more difficult to be here, if I had feeling for anyone. But I kinda also wanted to like someone.

"So today is the second test in weapons. Katherine, you will be fighting Felix, seeing he finally came over the first time you two fought." I coudn't help but lough at that.

Peter Pan's POV

She laughed, it sounded very beautiful, but I had to continue and keep my walls up even though she was perfect.

"Only Felix will have a weapon, and Katherine you will have to remove his weapons or make him unable to fight within 5 minutes."

They moved into the circle. Felix and Katherine placed themselves in fighting stance, and Katherine started to analyze Felix. He lifted his club from his shoulder and got ready for attack. One hit with his club and you'd be unconscious. 

They started to walk slowly around each other. I hoped Felix wasn't stupid enough to attack first again. Only now Felix started to analyze her, To me she was flawless... Beautiful and no weaknesses. Wait... there was something with her calf, she probably just faked it. She was good.

Suddenly Katherine attacked, it looked like she was going for his right side, he blocked, but then she just changed direction and went for his left side. She got a clean punch in, while he was a little distracted she tried to punch him again.

But Felix grabbed her hand in his free one and swung his club toward her legs. She just jumped and landed on his club, so he had to let go unless he wanted to fall to the ground. Katherine then quickly hopped of and kicked it far away, and away from his reach.

Katherine started to turn around, slowly twisting Felix' hand, so he had to let go again. They had three minutes to go.

Felix was now unarmed... well except for the knife he always carried with him. He drew the knife, and even though I thought so, Katherine wasn't surprised at all. So they started to walk around each other again. Getting ready. Now Felix was with his back towards me, and he ran at her, with the knife in hand.

All of a sudden he just stopped, Katherine was right in front of him and she wore a very smug face. Then Felix just fell to the ground, and rolled into a ball of what looked a lot like pain... a lot of pain. Katherine took the knife, which was on the ground, and threw it to the side.

"Now he is unarmed," She said

"And unable to fight" I corrected her."What did you do to him" I asked, truly curious.

"I just kicked him right where the sun doesn't shine". I was impressed and surprised, but mostly impressed.

"Okay, lets just hope he's able to get over it this time, because you passed. now there is only one test left."

Katherine's POV

Wow only one test left. I actually enjoyed the tests, they took my mind of all the things about me not being like them... well almost.

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