Chapter 1: The day takes an odd turn

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Lilith Holler was getting her things for school when her stepbrother, Dillon Cathren, called for her to hurry up. They went to the same school. Her older stepsister, Taylor, wasn't in their school, in fact she was at college. She grabbed her books and then walked to the door. Dillon was there waiting for her. When she came down stairs her brother gave her a look that clearly said: you took your sweet time getting down here.

Lilith and her stepbrother both had tan skin being next to lakes of Michigan.  But the similarity ended there. Her orange hair cut just below her chin and it had a small single braid. Her eyes were green and was four foot, five. Lilith also had ADHD and was dyslexic. Dillon had brown hair and eyes. He was three foot, nine.

Another thing that many would think weird about Lilith was the fact that she would always where a jean jacket and never anything else no matter what the weather was. But that was because it was the only thing she had of her mother. Lilith had never know who her mother was. According to her dad she was just left at his doorstep wrapped in the jacket with a note that said take care of her. Some mother she got. Her dad's name was Jonathan Holler who was a rich business man but didn't show it off. Her stepmom was Ellen Cathren Holler. she was a successful business woman and was always kind to Lilith, but she never made the time for just the two of them to hang out.

Dillon tapped her on the shoulder to get her out of her trance. She looked up and saw the bus. She followed him on to the bus but went to the back of the bus. He sat down next to one of his friends. The bus continued on and then stopped at the school. Lilith went strait to class after stopping at her locker. She went to the back row and sat down. That's when she saw him, Kevin Treetop. He kept on wanting to talk or be by her. She had no idea why but she didn't like it. She shrunk down in her set hoping that he wouldn't see her.

But he some how did and was making her way to her. Something must have happened to him when he was young because his legs didn't work right and so he was using a crutch to help him get around.

"Hey Lilith." he greeted as he sat down next to her.

"Hey Kevin." she said with as much force ans she could muster.

Just then a person came into the room. It must have been a new student. For once everyone would be focused on the new girl and not Lilith. Kevin however didn't seem to like her cause he was shaking her head back and forth. "No not today. Why today?" he muttered to himself.

Lilith didn't really care and got ready for class to start. "Hello class and welcome. This is our new student Calso. And now lets get to work with history shall we."

Calso sat down but not before looking around the room. Something about her gave Lilith the chills. Calso's gaze fell on Lilith and she stared at her for a little bit then her eyes moved over to Kevin. She seemed to hate the sight of him. Lilith didn't know why but she didn't have time to worry cause they were starting to read from the book. Lilith let out a sigh and got to her work.

Lilith laced up her shoes for gym class she let out a sigh that Calso sadly heard. It had been only four periods but Calso seemed to hate her for some reason.  Calso was also quick to make friends with the popular kids at school as well. Before Calso could say anything the gym teacher blew the whistle. "All right kids today we're going to play Volleyball, and so I have the teams already picked out."

He listed all of the team members on Lilith's team first. And shocker Calso was on the opposite team from her along with her "friends." Just before the game got started someone walked into the gymnasium. The teacher went over to talk with him and after a while the man left. "I'll be back soon!" he bellowed to the class.

It hadn't even been a minute before Lilith found herself hit in the face with a volleyball. She turned to see who through it at her. It was Calso. Her eyes had some sort of gleam in them.  "Oh sorry i didn't hurt you did I?"

Lilith glared at her. "Like you would care Calso." she retorted.

"True," Calso replied with a smile that gave Lilith the chills. "I do like killing halfbloods."

"Half-?" Lilith started to ask but before she could Calso attacked her. She heard many people screaming in fear.

She looked at Calso but she was no longer human. Calso now had fangs and claws. Her skin was of a blueish hue and her eyes were red. Lilith was struggling to get her off of her. She could here the other kids running away and our of the gymnasium. What ever Calso was Lilith didn't like her and wanted nothing more then to be rid of her.

As if reading her thoughts Calso said, "Don't struggle deary, it will only make you suffer me more."

Lilith almost gave in but then she thought about her stepbrother and who would care for him with her dad and stepmom were gone. Just then she heard the door open. The monster paused in her struggle and Lilith pushed her off of her and stood up and backed away. Lilith saw who had came through the door. It was Kevin.

"You!" the monster hissed at him. "You think you can stop me saytar?"

"Nope!" He said "but slow you yes."

Before the monster replied Kevin charged at her. He bumped her down and she landed on the ground. He started throughing things at her. Then the monster charged at him. He landed on the ground and she started to claw at him. Lilith couldn't take it anymore, she didn't know why she had never liked Kevin, she closed her eyes.

And then the was an explosion. Lilith opened her eyes. The place was on fire. The monster was gone and Kevin was unharmed. He looked at her in shock but seemed to recover. He then said to her, "We need to go."

"Go?" Lilith replied, "I can't go my family is here. I should be with them."

"That monster that attacked you," Kevin started, "More will come for you and they will get your family too. The only way to protect them is if you come with me Lilith. Please."

Lilith nodded and then followed Kevin out of the doors of the gym. Away from the flames.

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