Chapter 6: Receiving a Quest

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Lilith was in some sort of room. She looked all around and saw a woman chained up to a wall. The woman had her eyes and Lou Ellen's dark hair. She walked over to her still uncertain about her. The woman looked up her eyes full of surprise.

"No, don't tell me they got you too." she said.

"Who are you? Who's they?"

"Don't you recognize your mother Lilith Holler." a booming voice said.

Lilith turned around to see who was talking. But there was no one there. She turned to face her mom again but she was gone. Then a horrible and terrifying laugh was let lose. Something came to advance on her to kill her. And she let out a scream.

"Lilith!" Lou Ellen said, who was at her bed side.

Lilith was siting up in her bed. Her breathing was fast and shaky. The dream was still fresh in her mind.

"Lilith what is it what did you see?"

"I saw our mom," Lilith said slowly once she had calmed down a bit. "I... I think she's in trouble."

Lou Ellen's face went pale. There was nothing but silence. Finally she said, "Get dressed we're going to talk to Chiron about this."

"This is most interesting." Chiron replied when Lilith had finished her story.

"Chiron, we have to rescue Hecate!" Lou Ellen stated. "She has quite a few monsters under her command, with out her things will go crazy."

"I am well aware of what will happen child but we do not know what we should do." He let out a sigh. "Normally I would have you go see the orrical Lilith, however our orrical is not her at camp right now..."

"I could take Lilith to her." a voice said. Everyone turned to look at Percy Jackson. "What?" He asked them. "I know where she is and I can get us there. All we would need is  two Pegasui."

They all turned to look at Chiron to see what he would say about Percy's offer. "Alright I will allow you and Lilith to go find Rachel Dare."

"Her name is Rachel Dare?" Lilith asked.

"Yes." Percy said. "We should probably get going. Lilith grab your weapons, in case monsters come, and meet me by Thalia's tree."

Percy was the first one out of the Big House. Lilith was close behind him. She went to her cabin and grabbed her dagger. She didn't think that she would need any of her arrows. She then made her way to Thalia's tree. When she got there Percy was already there with a black stallion pegasus and a palomino one. There was a dragon that was next to the tree that had the golden fleece. "This is Sal." Percy told her. "He'll be the one you ride."

"Thanks." Lilith said as she mounted the pegasus. They two of them took off to the sky.

The trip wasn't that long. Lilith loved feeling in the air. Percy kept looking up at the sky as if he was afraid of anything. When they finally landed and Rachel's school. The two pegasi were tired. They let them get rest and headed into the school.

After using the mist to make the secretary let both her and Percy in. They made their way to a class that Percy was willing to bet his life on that she had. When they got to the art room they saw her right away. The red headed girl looked up and looked somewhat shocked to see them. She raised her hand.

"Yes Miss Dare?"

"I need to go to the restroom may I?"

"Yes of course just hurry up."

Rachel got up from her chair and exited the classroom. "What are you doing here Percy?"

"We... I mean Lilith needs a prophecy."

"Nice to meet you Lilith." Rachel greeted before letting out a sigh. "Alright but let's do this outside."

They made their way outside. When that happened Rachel's eyes turned cloudy and then she spoke:

"Three half-bloods shall go west,

A daughter of darkness with sons of the owl and dove.

A monster tough they must best,

Or else they shall fail those above.

A key is needed, along with strength

In order for the quest to length."

When Rachel had finished give the prophecy her eyes went back to normal but it looked like she went pale. Percy seemed to notice that too. "Rachel let's get you back inside. Lilith take Sal and get back to camp. I'll meet you their later."

"Alright see you there Percy." Lilith made her way back to camp. She got on Sal and took off towards camp.

"That's what she said?" Lou Ellen asked.

"Yes." Lilith said. "She knew how her sister would feel about not getting to save her mom. But she had a feeling that it wouldn't work out if they didn't do what it said.

"So who should we send?" Percy asked.

"Haris can go. He already knows Lilith." Annabeth suggested.

"I'm sure I can find someone that wants to go." Drew, from the Aphrodite cabin said.

"Well that settles that then." Lilith muttered.

"Yeah but we still don't know where exactly Hecate will be." Will pointed out. "Besides the fact that she's west."

Lilith turned to Chiron to see what he had to say on this matter. "I have a small guess on where she might be. She's probably in Washington."

"It's a good place to start." Lilith agreed.

"So tomarrow morning Lilith, Haris, and who ever Drew chooses to go on this quest will go first thing in the morning."

"Agreed." Everyone said. With that everyone got up to leave The Big House.

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